
来源 :国外机车车辆工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbl666
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本文提出了铸铁制动闸瓦在台架试验和现场条件下的溜放试验结果相一致的问题。溜放试验是指当被牵引的车辆达到一定的运行速度后摘钩进行闸瓦的制动试验。作者通过试验确定,在装备了由不同生产厂家制造的Φ型铸铁制动闸瓦(按ГOCT28186俄罗斯标准含磷量为1.0%~1.5%)的试验电气列车运行时,与完全符合实际动力因素(差值不超过10%)条件下的设计值相比,记录到制动装置的效率减小20%~40%。在此情况下,有2家生产厂家的制动闸瓦具有合格证。这意味着,至少它们此前通过了规定的台架试验(在轴负载为146kN和压紧力30 kN作用下)和实验室试验(硬度检测和化学成分分析)。为了最终确定台架试验所需的周期,又对2家生产厂商的闸瓦进行了补充试验。虽然正如实验室所测定的结果那样,所有选取的闸瓦试件均符合俄罗斯ГOCT28186标准所规定的硬度和化学成分的要求。但以制动距离和耐磨性为标准进行评价时,它们之间的制动效果是有明显差别的,而且制动效果(制动距离)的差别,不论是在试验台试验时,还是在走行试验(环形线试验)时都可以观察到。所以本文作者提出了关于改进所采用的试验方法的问题。 This paper presents the cast iron brake shoe in the bench test and site conditions of the slip-release test results consistent with the problem. Walk-and-roll test refers to when the towed vehicle reaches a certain running speed, the hook is taken off to brake the brake shoe. The authors determined through experiments that in the operation of a test electric train equipped with Φ cast iron brake shoes manufactured by different manufacturers (phosphorus content of 1.0% -1.5% according to the Russian standard of ГOCT28186), the author is in agreement with the test that fully complies with the actual dynamic factors The difference is less than 10%) under the conditions of the design value compared to the efficiency of the recorded brake to reduce 20% to 40%. In this case, there are two manufacturers of brake shoes with certification. This means that at a minimum, they have previously passed prescribed bench tests (with a shaft load of 146 kN and a pressing force of 30 kN) and laboratory tests (hardness testing and chemical composition analysis). In order to finalize the cycle required for the bench test, the brake shoes of two manufacturers were additionally tested. Although, as determined by the laboratory, all selected brake shoe specimens meet the hardness and chemical requirements specified in the Russian ГOCT28186 standard. However, when the braking distance and the wear resistance are used as the standard criteria for evaluation, the braking effect between them is significantly different, and the difference in the braking effect (braking distance), whether at the test stand test or at Walk test (ring line test) can be observed. Therefore, the author of the paper raised the problem of improving the test method adopted.
灵山岛位于青岛市西南黄海海域中,地理坐标为东经120°09′43″,北纬35°46′09″,距大陆最近距离10.5 km。岛屿呈东北-西南走向,南北长5.1 km,东西宽1.4 km,环岛海岸线长14.
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目的 探讨骨盆底肌电刺激治疗膀胱过度活动症 (OAB)的效果。方法 对经过临床症状及排尿动力学检查确诊的 4 0例OAB患者随机分为电刺激治疗组 (2 0例 )及药物治疗组 (2 0例
2014年8月16日,拉日铁路开始载客运营。该线全长251 km,穿越近90km的雅鲁藏布江峡谷区,经尼木县、仁布县后抵达藏西南重镇日喀则。拉日铁路全线海拔在3 600 m至4 000 m之间,