1963年10月10日,梅艳芳出生在香港一个单亲家庭。因家境贫寒,4岁半,她就开始在酒廊、歌厅“走台”唱歌。1982年,梅艳芳参加电视台第一届“新秀歌唱比赛”,并获得冠军。从此,她的命运开始改变。当时她刚满19岁。 百变歌后 上世纪八十年代的香港演艺圈,几乎被美女垄断。梅艳芳容貌平凡,然而,一向相信“人定胜天”的梅艳芳决定变缺陷为优势。 1985年.在唱片《似水流年》中,梅艳
On October 10, 1963, Anita Mui was born in Hong Kong as a single-parent family. Because of poor family, 4 years and a half, she began to lounge in the karaoke hall “go Taiwan” to sing. In 1982, Anita Mui participated in the first “rookie singing competition” on television and won the championship. Since then, her fate began to change. At that time she was just 19 years old. Variety song after the eighties of last century Hong Kong showbiz, almost monopolized by beauty. Anita Mui looks ordinary, however, has always believed that “Anitaimantan” Anita Mui decided to change defects as the advantage. In 1985, in the album “The Flowing Year”, Mei Yan