
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdbzdb
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一、村镇文物建筑的现状 我国悠久的历史和灿烂的文化给我们留下了宝贵的遗产,建筑是其重要的组成部分。她不仅存在于城市,还极其广泛地分布于村镇。建国以来,党和政府非常重视文物保护工作,逐级划分了文物保护单位,拨专款用于文物保护并进行了文物保护立法,使文物保护纳入了正规化和法制化的轨道。 然而,村镇现在的文物状况应引起我们高度重视,由于我国遗留的文物数量较大,国家很难花大量人、物力进行全面保护,有很多有价值的文物建筑由于资金等原因不能划为文物保护单位,故很容易产生一种错误认识:划为文保单位的建筑是文物,否则则不是文物,甚至可以任意拆除,这一现象在村镇尤为突出。从笔者近年来去过的一些村镇为例,大量精美的庙宇、民居等遭到严重的破坏:有的荒废了,成为 First, the status of cultural relics in villages and towns Our country’s long history and splendid culture have left us a valuable legacy. Architecture is an important part of it. She not only exists in the city, but is also widely distributed in the villages and towns. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the party and government have attached great importance to the protection of cultural relics, progressively divided cultural relics protection units, allocated special funds for cultural relics protection and carried out cultural relics protection legislation, so that the protection of cultural relics has become a regular and legalized track. However, the current cultural relics of villages and towns should cause us to attach great importance to it. Due to the large amount of cultural relics left by our country, it is difficult for the state to spend a lot of people and material resources for comprehensive protection. There are many valuable cultural relics buildings that cannot be classified as cultural relics because of funds and other reasons. Units, it is easy to have a misconception: the buildings classified as cultural and cultural units are cultural relics, otherwise they are not cultural relics, and they can even be arbitrarily demolished. This phenomenon is particularly prominent in the towns and villages. From the villages and towns that the author has visited in recent years, for example, a large number of exquisite temples and dwellings have been severely damaged: some are abandoned and become
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《供水技术》创刊于2007年,由天津市自来水集团有限公司主管、主办,其中国标准连续出版物号:CN 12-1393/TU,ISSN 1673-9353。《供水技术》着眼于供水企业的运行、生产、营销
We develop an improved global reconstruction method for Fourier ptychographic microscopy,a newly reported technique for wide-field and high-resolution microscop