Philippine Volcano Roars,Turns Day to Night

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本文出现在2000年2月29日的Internet上。文字生动,描写具体,读者有亲临现场之感。菲律宾中部著名的马荣火山每次爆发都会持续两个月左右。有些像小轿车一样大的火山石散落在路旁,甚至在几天之后,其内层仍十分炙热。石缝中不断散发出夹杂浓烈的硫磺气味的烟雾。下列描写让读者有亲临现场的感觉: The 8, 000-foot high volcano spat out tons of burning rocks called “volcanic bombs”. …at about 2 was no longer day but already night because of the ashfalls. …90 percent of his town was covered by at least two inches of ash. …thousands more terrified families poured into congested(拥挤的)evacua-tion centers. 世界气象专家认为,马荣火山爆发的影响不仅仅局限于菲律宾部分地区。他们认为:如果火山灰继续积聚于大气顶层,它们将会形成一层遮盖地球表面的灰幕,阻隔部分抵达地球的太阳热量,全球的气温可能因此下降。1991年菲律宾皮纳图博火山爆发造成800多人丧生,数千人被迫迁移。全球气候也受到影响,1992年的全球气温比以往有所下降。当年皮纳图博火山喷出的砂石和火山灰直冲2万米的天空,而这次马荣火山的喷发高度是13000米,虽然及不上上次威力大,但它对降低气温也会产生影响。 This article appeared on the Internet on February 29, 2000. The text is vivid and the description is specific. The readers have the feeling of being at the scene. The outbreak of the famous Mayon Volcano in the middle of the Philippines will last for about two months. Some volcanic stones, which are as large as cars, are scattered along the road. Even after a few days, the inner layers are still very hot. Stone deposits are constantly emitting smoke with a strong sulfur smell. The following description gives readers the feeling of being at the scene: The 8 000-foot high volcano spat out of the burning torch called ”volcanic bombs". about 2 pmit was no longer day but already night because of the ashfalls. ... 90 percent of his town was covered by at least two inches of ash. ...thousands more terrified families poured into congested evacua-tion centers. . They believe that if volcanic ash continues to accumulate on the top of the atmosphere, they will form a gray curtain covering the surface of the Earth, blocking the heat of the part of the sun reaching the Earth, and the global temperature may drop. In 1991, the Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines killed more than 800 people and thousands of people were forced to relocate. The global climate is also affected. In 1992, the global temperature has declined. The sandstone and volcanic ash that Pinatubo volcano rushed straight into the 20,000-meter-long sky. This time, the eruption height of the Ma Rong volcano was 13,000 meters. Although it was not as powerful as it was last time, it also produced lower temperatures. influences.
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