
来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mem12345
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不同训练周期的主要任务各不相同。冬圳期是提高能力的关键时期。冬训期属于准备期,一般从10月中旬开始,至春节前后结束。大多数教练非常重视冬训,希望通过完整的训练期,使运动员体能得以大幅度提高。冬训期的训练安排通常是训练量比较大,强度相对较小。 The main tasks of different training cycles vary. Winter period is to enhance the capacity of the critical period. Winter training period is preparation period, usually from mid-October, before the end of the Spring Festival. Most coaches attach great importance to the winter training, hoping to improve the physical fitness of athletes through a complete training period. Training training during winter training is usually a relatively large amount of training, the intensity is relatively small.
Using the method of matrix diagonalization, we investigate an off-center D~- in a spherical quantum dot(QD) subjected to a parabolic potential confinement. We
The effect of interstitial air holes on Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibre (PCF) with a Ge-doped core is numerically investigated by using the beam propag
This paper deals with two new species of the genus Baculum Saussure collected from GansProvince, China. The two new species are fully described , illustrated a
The magnetisation of heavy holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in an external perpendicular magnetic field is studi
This paper reports that the tunable self-phase-stabilized infrared laser pulses have been generated from a two-stage optical parametric amplifier. With an 800 n
遮阳单把是心意六合拳象形把手之一,遮阳就是用手遮挡太阳光向前瞭望。前辈武术家把这个动作形象地提炼出来,结合武术中的攻防意义,巧妙地练出一把拳,名曰遮阳单把。有歌为证:  抬手护头似遮阳,又像极目打瞭望;  猴儿观山有佐证,崩脱闪击赛电光。  又曰:  抬手遮阳宜澎意,略带滚钻更出奇;  刹那射电杀手锏,才是闪战技中艺。  遮阳单把的抬手动作是防守战法。人们在阳光下远望,用手遮拦一下强烈的阳光,这是