我院于一九九五年三月十三日收治急性粒细胞型白血病并发截瘫一例,现报告如下: 患者:王某,男,64岁,农民。主因胸背部疼痛三月余,近三月突然双下肢瘫痪、大小便失禁收治我院外科。 体检:体温39.5℃,脉搏80次/分、血压16/10KPa、意识清楚、营养差、被动体位、全身皮肤粘膜未见黄染及出血点、浅表淋巴结不大、瞳孔等大等圆、对光反射良好、气管居中、甲状腺不大、双侧胸廓对称、
A case of acute granulocytic leukemia complicated with paraplegia was treated in our hospital on March 13, 1995. The report is as follows: Patient: Wang, male, 64 years old, farmer. Mainly due to chest and back pain for more than three months, in the last March, sudden paraplegia, incontinence and incontinence admitted to our hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 39.5 °C, pulse 80 beats / min, blood pressure 16/10KPa, clear consciousness, poor nutrition, passive position, no yellow skin and mucous membrane bleeding and bleeding, shallow lymph nodes, pupil and other large round, right Good light reflectance, central trachea, small thyroid gland, bilateral symmetrical thorax,