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一颗充满期望的心在从南宁到长沙的路途上,满怀因被解聘所带来的不平是不待说的,但不仅丝毫没有沮丧,胸膛里还跳动着一颗充满期望的心。这种复杂心情,当然和当时的形势发展有关。一九四八年岁尾和一九四九年年初这段时间里,国内战争已经发生关键性的转变,就是辽沈、淮海、京津三大战役的结果。只要翻开地图就可看出,国民党军队的主力在东北、华东和华北三个重要地区一经被迅速消灭,长江天险已无法阻挡人民解放军的南进,国民党政府在军事战线上正面临崩溃。抗战初期我曾以一个“战地服务团”成员的身份,奔走于鲁南、苏北一带,比较熟悉那里的地势。从徐州以东的碾庄到宿县西南的双堆集和永城东北的陈家庄青龙集,国民党五十万以上的精锐部队惨遭全歼,三个高级将 A heart full of expectation On the journey from Nanning to Changsha, it is not to be said that the discontent brought about by being dismissed is not only frustrated but also filled with a heart full of expectation in his chest. This complicated mood is, of course, related to the development of the situation at the time. In the period from the end of 1948 to the beginning of 1949, the crucial transformation of the civil war has taken place in China, which is the result of the three major campaigns of the Liaoshen, Huaihai and Beijing-Tianjin regions. As long as the map is opened, we can see that once the main forces of the Kuomintang troops were rapidly eliminated in three important areas of Northeast China, East China and North China, the Tianjiang Heavenly Veteran could not stop the PLA from moving southwards and the Kuomintang government was facing a collapse on the military front. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, I once went to the areas of Lunan and North Jiangsu as a member of the “Field Service Corps” and was more familiar with the terrain there. From the crushing mill east of Xuzhou to the double stack in southwestern Suxian and the Chenlong in Longcheng in the northeast of Yongcheng, the elite troops of the KMT more than 500,000 were brutally wiped out and the three senior
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