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本故事原名《百叶窗上的痕迹》(The Mark on the Shutter),反映了英国本世纪三、四十年代某私立小学的学校生活。作者重点对儿童的心理做了精彩、透彻的描绘。那些十来岁的孩子,忽而天真无瑕,无所顾及,甚至有点邪气;忽而顾虑重重,想入非非,甚至被莫名其妙的想法所缠绕。成人往往缺乏对孩子心理的了解与理解,认为儿童只不过是顽童。因此家长和教师对他们容易作出轻率的表扬和批评,而没有想到它们对孩子产生的心理后果。英国散文家、思想家培根曾说过:“抓住了儿童的心灵就是抓住了国家。”英国十九世纪著名文学评论家鲁斯金(Ruskin)也写道:“让孩子们懂得诚实,这就是教育的开始。”一个小男孩在学校百叶窗上乱画了几下,为此全校学生被剥夺了半天假日,另一个男孩受到了冤屈。主人翁为此受到了几个月的良心谴责。一件微不足道的事情,却使儿童的心灵受到如此颤动,似乎令人可笑。但可笑之余,我们难道不应该深思吗?孩子的诚恳与真挚难道不值得我们尊重吗? 在一个社团内,公众的赞成与反对,标准常常是可靠的。这是故事给我们的另一个启发。故事虽然写的是孩子们,但它是给成年人看的。本文风格别致,寓意深刻,是一篇真正的道德小说。不愧为本世纪。 The story, formerly known as “The Mark on the Shutter,” reflects the life of a private elementary school in Britain in the 1930s and 1940s. The author focuses on children’s psychology made a wonderful, thorough description. Those ten-year-old children, suddenly immaculate, careless, or even a little evil; suddenly worry about, non-nonsense, and even inexplicable intertwined. Adults often lack the understanding and understanding of children’s psychology, that children are just urchins. As a result, parents and teachers are easily reckless and critical of them without thinking of the psychological consequences they have on their children. The British essayist and thinker Bacon once said: “Grasping the child’s heart is just capturing the country.” Ruskin, a famous 19th-century British literary critic, also wrote: “Letting children be honest It’s the beginning of education. ”A boy drew a few doodles on the school blinds, for which time the entire school was denied a half-day holiday and the other boy was wronged. The masters were condemned for months for their conscience. It seems ridiculous that an insignificant thing has thrown a child’s mind into such a flutter. But am I ridiculous, should we not ponder it? Is the child’s sincerity and true worth not worthy of our respect? In a community, the public’s approval and objection, standards are often reliable. This is another story inspired by us. Although the story is written for children, but it is for adults to see. This article is unique in style and profound in meaning. It is a true moral novel. Deserves to be this century.
英国曼彻斯特的书商约瑟夫·D·休斯(Joseph David Hugres)经营旧书买卖,素以诚实著名。有一天,一个老太太进入店里,手里拿着两本第一版的雪莱诗集,要求卖一英镑。她看上去
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耶鲁大学古典文学和比较文学教授埃里奇·西格尔博士,在文学创作方面,继处女作《爱情故事》(Love Story,1970)一举成名之后,相继问世了《奥立弗的故事》(Olivers Story,1977
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