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紧凑型玉米杂交种的育成和推广,是玉米生产上的一项重大技术突破。它与一般平展型玉米最大区别是,果穗以上叶片与茎秆所呈斜角小于30度,直观株型紧凑,叶片上冲,有利通风透光,充分利用光合源,给单位面积增加种植株数创造了条件。一般比平展型玉米每亩可增加1500~2000株,从而为玉米高产开辟了一条新的途径。 1.鲁玉2号制种技术 (1)错期播种。春播制 The breeding and promotion of compact maize hybrids is a major technological breakthrough in corn production. The biggest difference with the general flattened corn is that the angle above the ear of the leaves and the stem is less than 30 degrees. The visual plant is compact and the leaves are punctured, which is good for ventilation and light. It makes full use of the photosynthetic source and increases the planting number per unit area Conditions. Generally more than the average per square meter of corn can be increased 1500 ~ 2000, thus opening a new way for high yield of corn. 1. Lu Yu 2 seed technology (1) wrong sowing. Spring broadcast system
该研究通过野外调查和室内模拟实验研究了南方杉木林下土壤和土壤渗滤水中溶解有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,简称DOC)的含量水平、影响因素及迁移状况,探讨了DOC的吸附特征
1.分期收获先收母本种子,后收父本。这样收获不易错行,防止人为的机械混杂。 2.坚持收购果穗几年来,我们公司始终坚持收购果穗入库,其优点在于验果穗比验子粒容易,方便、效
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