
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjjnet
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目的了解佛山南海区市售无公害蔬菜中的农药残留与重金属污染情况;对比与本土种植以及市售普通蔬菜在重金属污染和农药残留的情况。方法采集标有无公害蔬菜标识的蔬菜40个样品、本土种植的蔬菜47种241个样品、市售普通蔬菜50个样品,进行5种重金属含量水平和9种有机磷农药残留监测。结果标有无公害蔬菜也存在不同程度的重金属污染,镉超标率20%,最高倍数1.6倍;铅超标率10%,最高倍数1.4倍;本土种植蔬菜以总汞、镉、铅超标为主,总汞超标率为36.9%,最高倍数27倍;镉超标率为24%,最高倍数4.6倍;铅超标率为14.9%,最高倍数5.95倍。市售无公害蔬菜和普通蔬菜样品上述9种有机磷农药残留量监测结果阴性。结论佛山市南海区本土种植蔬菜受总汞污染严重,经食用蔬菜摄入重金属对人们健康风险评估值得进一步探讨。 Objective To understand the pesticide residue and heavy metal pollution in the market of pollution-free vegetables in Nanhai District, Foshan City. Compare with the local planting and the common vegetables in the market in the case of heavy metal pollution and pesticide residues. Methods 40 samples of vegetables marked with pollution-free vegetables, 241 samples of 47 cultivated vegetables, 50 samples of common vegetables were collected, and the levels of 5 heavy metals and 9 residues of organophosphorus pesticides were monitored. Results showed that pollution-free vegetables also had different levels of heavy metal pollution, with the exceeding standard of 20% and the highest multiple of 1.6 times; the over-standard of lead of 10% and the highest of 1.4 times; native vegetables grown with total mercury, cadmium and lead exceeded the standard, Total mercury exceeded the standard rate of 36.9%, the highest multiple of 27 times; cadmium exceeded rate of 24%, the highest multiple 4.6 times; lead exceeded 14.9%, the highest multiple of 5.95 times. Commercial pollution-free vegetables and vegetables samples The above nine organophosphorus pesticide residues were negative. Conclusion The native vegetables grown in Nanhai District of Foshan City were seriously polluted by total mercury, and the assessment of human health risks through the intake of heavy metals by food vegetables deserved further exploration.
目的 总结鹤庆县血吸虫病的防治实践与经验,为今后制定有效的防治策略和措施提供科学依据.方法 收集鹤庆县1954~2010年血吸虫病流行和防治资料,评价不同时期开展工作的对策、
目的 分析2009~2010年广州市手足口病的疫情动态,探讨流行趋势,为制定有效的防控策略提供依据.方法 采用描述性流行病学方法分析疾病监测信息报告管理系统中报告的2009~2010年
目的 探讨适合福建省控制耐多药结核病(MDR-TB)的治疗与管理模式.方法 多渠道融资保障耐多药结核病工作的开展.卫生行政部门负责定点医院和结防机构在MDR-TB患者发现、治疗、
1 简介rn单细胞凝胶电泳法(Single Cell Gel Assay SCGE)亦称为彗星分析法(Comet Assay).SCGE是一种检测单个细胞DNA断裂的技术[1,2],所以称为彗星分析法是因为被破坏的DNA在