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据报告,人的粪便中有大量的厌氧菌(类杆菌),其浓度为10~(10)~10~(11)/每克粪便,尤其是其中的脆弱类杆菌是肠道手术后引起腹腔和切口感染的主要致病菌,占类杆菌感染菌中的87%。近年来又发现,这类脆弱类杆菌几乎对一些常用抗生素,如青霉素、先锋霉素、四环素和氨基甙类等抗生素,都有不同程度的耐药性,因此肠道手术后,尤其是结肠和阑尾手术后的腹腔和切口的感染率仍很高。目前虽然尚有少数抗生素,如氯林可霉素、Cefoxitin、氯霉素、灭滴灵的杀类杆菌率为99%,但前三种有的副作用大,有的价格贵,有的在国内不易购到,而灭滴灵是一种吸收快、无毒、副作用小、不贵、药源充足的抗生素,国内外已有不少医生将其作为结肠、阑尾手术的术前用 It has been reported that a large amount of anaerobic bacteria (Bacteroidetes) are present in human excrement at a concentration of 10-10 to 11-11 per gram of stool, and in particular, Bacteroides fragilis is caused after intestinal surgery The main pathogenic bacteria in the abdominal and incisional infections account for 87% of Bacteroides-infected bacteria. In recent years, it has also been found that such Bacteroides fragilis almost have antibiotic resistance to some commonly used antibiotics such as penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline and aminoglycoside. Therefore, after intestinal surgery, especially colon and The rate of infection of the abdominal cavity and incision after the operation of the appendix is ​​still high. Although there are still a few antibiotics, such as clindamycin, cefoxitin, chloramphenicol, metronidazole kill bacilli rate of 99%, but some of the top three side effects, and some expensive, and some in the country Not easy to buy, and metronidazole is a rapid absorption, non-toxic, side effects of small, inexpensive, adequate source of antibiotics, many doctors at home and abroad have it as a colon, appendix surgery preoperative
以精心培养,诚心育人作为德育工作的指导思想,通过开展诵读经典、践行经典等活动帮助学生养成良好的行为习惯,有利于显著提高德育实效。 In order to cultivate and sincere
Poyang Lake, in Southeastern China and Jiangxi Province,is an ecological treasure of global significance.Scores of endangered species share the lake’s producti
为了解山丘型地区血吸虫病流行和防治现状,评价防治效果,为优化防治对策提供科学依据,于1986~1990年以善卷乡为试点,进行血吸虫病流行病学纵向观察。现报告如下: In order t