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为了研究几种特殊弹性参数对动力总成-悬置系统固有振动特性的影响,分别建立了考虑悬置元件的角变形刚度和发动机前端驱动风扇的传动带弹性约束作用的动力总成-悬置系统的振动分析模型。以几种常见车型为例计算了考虑悬置元件角变形刚度前、后动力总成-悬置系统的固有振动特性,同时计算了系统的各阶固有振动频率关于传动带的等效刚度和安装角度参数的变化历程。结果表明:在考虑角变形刚度前、后,动力总成-悬置系统固有振动特性的变化很小;当传动带的刚度逐渐增大时,系统的最高阶振动模态(以侧倾振动为主)频率显著提高;传动带安装角度的增加使第2至6阶固有振动频率产生较大变化。因此,在动力总成-悬置系统固有振动特性的计算过程中一般可以忽略悬置元件角变形刚度影响;而传动带的弹性约束作用则可能显著影响系统的固有振动特性,在建模和计算的过程中应予以重点关注。 In order to study the influence of several special elastic parameters on the inherent vibration characteristics of the powertrain-suspension system, a powertrain-suspension system is established respectively considering the angular deformation stiffness of the suspension components and the elastic restraint of the transmission belt driven by the front end of the engine Vibration Analysis Model. Taking several common vehicle models as an example, the inherent vibration characteristics of the powertrain-suspension system before and after considering the angular deformation stiffness of the suspension components are calculated. The equivalent stiffness and installation angle of the natural frequency of each stage of the system are calculated. Changes in the parameters of the process. The results show that the change of natural vibration characteristics of the powertrain-suspension system is small before and after considering the angular deformation stiffness. When the stiffness of the transmission belt gradually increases, the highest vibration mode of the system ) Frequency significantly increased; belt installation angle increases so that the natural frequency of 2 to 6 major changes. Therefore, the influence of the angular stiffness of the suspension element can be neglected in the calculation of the natural vibration characteristics of the powertrain-suspension system. However, the elastic restraint of the transmission belt may significantly affect the inherent vibration characteristics of the system. In modeling and calculation The process should be the focus of attention.
我院 2 0 0 1年 1月— 2 0 0 3年 1月行非脱垂子宫经阴道切除 189例 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1. 一般资料 非脱垂子宫经阴道切除 189例 ,其中子宫肌瘤 14 5例 ,更年期
目前,鄂尔多斯的水资源量已无法满足当地经济飞速发展的要求,文章介绍了若干种巧妙寻找地下水源的方法。 At present, Ordos’s water resources have been unable to meet
从 1996年开始萧县实施全民食盐加碘 ,有效地预防和控制了碘缺乏病。为及时了解碘缺乏病病情和干预措施落实情况 ,评价防治效果及人群碘营养状况 ,以指导科学补碘 ,如期实现
为实现我国 2 0 0 0年消除碘缺乏病目标 ,萧县“九五”期间 ,大力开展了以食盐加碘为主的碘缺乏病防治工作 ,收到了良好的防病效果 ,取得了显著成绩。1 规划目标和任务完成
The significance,description parameters,evaluation method,implement way and design for lightweight of automobile are comprehensively reviewed.The relationship a