World of the Future

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At the docks you step into ashiny metal submarinethat is shaped like ashark.The door is closedbehind you,and the powerful enginepurrs to life.2 Down shdes the subma-fine-like a shark diving.Deeper anddeeper under the water.Soon all sunlight is gone.Theheadlights of the diving ship are turnedon.Then,six miles below,you come to At the docks you step into ashiny metal submarinethat is shaped like ashark.The door is closedbehind you, and the powerful enginepurrs to life.2 Down shdes the subma-fine-like a shark diving .Deeper anddeeper under the water.Soon all sunlight is gone.Theheadlights of the diving ship are turnedon.Then, six miles below, you come to
你懂计算机,你就懂得 GM 的辛棘讽刺。 At a recent computer expo,Bill Gates reportedlycompared the computer industry with the auto industryand stated:“If GM had
Once a man and a little boywere lost in the desert.Thesun shone down from thesky.It was so hot they could hardlystand it.Soon they drank the last of theirwater
To do the right thing by his family,Dad Jones took out a$10,000 life-insurance policy payable to his wife,if living;oth-erwise to his son;and,if neither surviv
梭罗(Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862)是美国著名作家和思想家,其作品大多是根据他在大自然中的亲身体验写成。1845年至1847年,梭罗在康科得附近的沃尔登湖畔度过了近两年的