Influence of super-strong magnetic field on the electron chemical potential and β decay in the stell

来源 :中国物理C(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swatsee
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In this paper,considering the quantum effect of electrons in a super-strong magnetic field,the influence of a super-strong magnetic field on the chemical potential of a non-zero temperature electron is analyzed,the rates of β decay under the super-strong magnetic field are studied,and then we compare them with the case without a magnetic field.Here,the nucleus 63Co is investigated in detail as an example.The results show that a magnetic field that is less than 1010 T has little effect on the electron chemical potential and β decay rates,but the super-strong magnetic field that is greater than 1010 T depresses the electron chemical potential and improves the β decay rates clearly.
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