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1983月7月上旬,在巴黎举行的第36届国际科学电影协会电影节上,我国科教片《遗传工程初探))获荣誉奖。协会的主席让·班挡维和与会者赞扬了这部影片结构新颖,有趣,表现手法简练、易懂、能吸引人。《初探》这部影片也曾被文化部授予优秀科教片奖。可是有谁知晓当初在决定它拍摄前后,有些人曾顾虑这个题材深奥难拍,认为不宜列入普及片,拍它是“吃力不讨好”,很有“砸锅”危险……影片的编导刘咏同志不以为然,他认为科教电影工作者,有责任将新兴尖端科学,通过银幕,尽早公诸于众。即使遭到失败,也要敢冒风险,勇于探索。经他与有关创作人员共同努力,成功地进行了一系列别开生面的艺术处理。 In early July 1983, at the 36th International Film Festival of the International Association of Motion Picture Science and Technology in Paris, China’s science film “Preliminary Exploration of Genetic Engineering” won the honorable mention. The association’s chairman Jean Ban and peacemakers praised the film as a new, interesting, concise, easy to understand and appealing way of looking. “First Exploration” This film has also been awarded the Outstanding Science and Education Film Award by the Ministry of Culture. However, who knows when the film was originally decided before and after it was taken, some people have been worried about this subject escaped unacceptable, that it should not be included in the popularization film, pat it is “thankless”, very “smashing pot” danger ... Director of the film Liu Yong Comrades disagree. He believes that it is the responsibility of science and education filmmakers to release emerging and cutting-edge science to the public as early as possible through the screen. Even in the event of failure, they also dare to take risks and have the courage to explore. Through his joint efforts with the relevant creative staff, successfully conducted a series of unique artistic treatment.
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