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水稻生长后期田间荫蔽程度高、湿度大、温度佳、通气好、阳光足、病害少,很适合紫木耳子实体的发生,稻田套种紫木耳产量较高,提高了种田的经济效益。如长沙市郊区大托农技站1.2亩早稻,早稻单产483.8公斤,紫木耳426.2公斤,平菇675.8公斤,比一次单种水稻,一亩净增1970.89元。现将稻田套种紫木耳的栽培技术介绍如下: 一、栽培季节:根据我国南方的气候,稻田套种紫木耳,早、晚两季均可。南方一般在5月5日以前插完早稻,6月1日以前可晒田,4-5月份制栽培袋,6月上旬至7月中、下旬放田间出耳。晚稻一般8月1日前插完,8月20日以前晒田,7月制栽培袋,8月下旬到10月下旬放田间出耳。二、配方:1.稻草65%,麦麸或米糠 In the late stage of rice growth, the shade degree of the field was high, the humidity was high, the temperature was good, the aeration was good, the sunlight was enough and the disease was less. It is suitable for the occurrence of the genus Agrocybe aegerita. The yield of purple fungus was higher in paddy intercropping and increased the economic benefits of farming. For example, 1.2 mu of early rice and early rice in the suburb of Datong, suburbs of Changsha City, yield was 483.8 kilograms per mu, 426.2 kilograms of purple agaric and 675.8 kilograms of Pleurotus ostreatus, a net increase of 1970.89 yuan more than that of a single rice. Now rice intercropping cultivation of purple fungus cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the cultivation season: According to the climate in southern China, intercropped purple fungus paddy fields, early and late seasons can be. South generally before the May 5 insert early rice, June 1 before the Sha Tin, 4-5 month cultivation system, early June to mid-July, put the field out of ears. Late rice generally August 1 insert finished before August 20 Sha Tin, cultivation system in July bags, late August to late October put field ears. Second, the formula: 1. Straw 65%, wheat bran or rice bran
咸鸭蛋配绿豆稀饭,是常见的早餐吃法。可鸭蛋为什么要腌制后再吃,它有什么营养呢?据专家介绍,鸭蛋与鸡蛋相比,腥味较重,用盐水腌制后,能达到去 Salted duck egg with mung b
每次回到母校,在学校宾馆中安顿好行装,还不及扑去旅途上的尘埃,总是先打一个电话给贾先生:我什么时候来拜访您合适?……现在先生不在了。每次再回母 Every time I return t