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朗讯科技与Maplnfo公司将利用双方在移动通信方面的经验进行合作,以帮助全球无线运营商为顾客提供基于位置的个性化移动互联网服务。新兴的基于位置的服务将根据用户自身位置提供有关其感兴趣地点的距离、方位、路径及其他有价值信息,以充分发挥互联网与移动通信的威力。最初,双方希望在全球移动通信(GSM)网络上采用无线应用协议(WAP)提供这些服务,但同时也在开发包括GPRS和UMTS(通用移动电信系统)在内的下一代技术。目前,这些服务主要依据蜂窝或扇区确定用户自身的或选定的位置。合作双方希望通过基于手机的三角测量技术进一步改善应用的性能,后者可以通过无线技术辅助下的全球定位系统(GPS)技术自动确定地理位置。基于位置的服务可以使用户基于自己所在的位置寻找其感兴趣的地方,并确定到达目的地的距离和路径。当目的地是商店时,系统可以提供关于产品及 Lucent Technologies and Maplnfo will use their mutual experience in mobile communications to collaborate to help wireless operators worldwide deliver personalized location-based mobile Internet services to their customers. Emerging location-based services will provide users, based on their location, the distances, directions, paths, and other valuable information about their places of interest to give full play to the power of the Internet and mobile communications. Initially, both parties hoped to provide these services using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) over the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network, but are also developing next-generation technologies including GPRS and UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System). Currently, these services determine the user’s own or selected location based primarily on the cell or sector. The partners hope to further improve application performance with cell phone-based triangulation technology that automatically determines the geographic location with wireless technology-assisted global positioning system (GPS) technology. Location-based services allow users to find places of interest based on their location and determine the distance and path to their destination. When the destination is a store, the system can provide information about the product and
摘要:语言的功能在于交际应用,阅读与写作在语言技能中既相对独立,又互相依赖、相互促进,阅读能力的培养有助于写作水平的提升,因此本文针对高中生英语写作中的问题,对如何通过阅读培养英语写作能力进行了探讨。  关键词:写作能力;阅读教学;高中英语  听、说、读、写是语言的四项基本技能,听、读是语言的输入,说、写是语言的输出,输入和输出是语言发挥交际功能的全部体现。相对于母语,英语的写作是较难把握的一个环
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人生活在社会中,必然会有矛盾和烦恼,如夫妻不和、邻里不睦、同事不谐等,均会使人陷入感情的沼泽,令人悲伤、痛苦、气愤甚至仇恨。教人曲解和伤害,本能的反应就 People liv