当时间的脚步即将跨进21世纪时,叱咤风云近90年的航空母舰依然是各国海军乃至世人关注的焦点。那么下个世纪,航母会向什么方向发展?它的“海上霸主”地位还能巩固吗?各国继续发展传统航母在可预见的未来,各国近几年设计、研制的航空母舰将会继续建造并服役下去。目前,世界上拥有大型航母最多的国家——美国,正继续按计划建造“尼米兹”级后续舰。该级第8艘“哈里·杜鲁门”号将于1998年加入舰队,以取代“独立”号;“罗纳德·里根”号,将于2002年取代“小鹰”号;美国海军还将于下个世纪初开始建造 CVN-77,即“尼米兹”级第10艘。这样,到2010年以前美国海军中的常规动力航母将全部退出历史舞
When the pace of time is about to enter the 21st century, the all-powerful aircraft carrier remains the focus of attention of all navies and even the world over. Then in the next century, what direction will the aircraft carrier develop and its “maritime overlord” position can be consolidated? All countries continue to develop traditional aircraft carriers In the foreseeable future, countries in recent years, design and development of aircraft carriers will continue to build and service Go down. At present, the United States, the country that owns the largest aircraft carriers in the world, is continuing to build “Nimitz” class follow-up ships as planned. The 8th “Harry Truman” will join the fleet in 1998 to replace the “Independence”; the “Ronald Reagan” will replace the “Kitty Hawk” in 2002; the U.S. Navy will also The beginning of the next century CVN-77 construction, or “Nimitz” class tenth. In this way, by 2010 the conventional naval aircraft carriers in the U.S. Navy will all withdraw from historical dance