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“节日是党员干部容易放松警惕、违纪违法行为高发时期,我们要充分发挥纪委的监督作用,全方位真督宴查,谨防‘过节’变‘过劫’。”河南省襄城县纪委副书记、监察局局长宋雷法说。此言不虚。国庆节前夕,该县纪委监察局多措并举,织就密集立体监督网,确保党员干部清廉过节。近期,围绕中央八项规定精神,该县纪委监察局向全县党员干部密集发送提醒短信、在电视台滚动播出廉洁过节通知、召开廉政集体谈话、在网站设立专栏等,充分发挥教育引导作用。对公款吃喝、公车私用、奢侈浪费等不正之风开展专项检查。加大对快递派送、购物卡、网购卡、提货卡、预付卡等公款隐形送礼情况的严查力度,对存有侥幸心理、顶风违纪的单位和个人,除 “Festival is easy to relax vigilance of party members and cadres, discipline and illegal activities during the high, we must give full play to the supervision role of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, all-round real feast ban, beware of ’holiday’ change ’robbery.’ ” Xiangcheng County Commission for Discipline Inspection Deputy Secretary, Inspector Song Lei said. This is true. On the eve of the National Day, the County Commission for Discipline Inspection Supervision measures take the same measures, weaving intensive three-dimensional supervision network to ensure that party members and cadres clean immigration. Recently, around the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Government, the county Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission sent a vigilant message to Party members and cadres throughout the county, rolled out clean and honest notices on TV stations, held collective talk of honest and clean government, set up special columns on the website and gave full play to the guiding role of education. On the public eating and drinking, bus private, extravagant extravagance and other unhealthy conduct a special inspection. Increase the courier delivery, shopping cards, online shopping cards, pick up cards, prepaid cards and other public funds invisible gift of rigorous investigation of the situation, there are chances, the top wind and discipline units and individuals, in addition to
摘要:本文通过对潍坊市的八个县市区的18岁以上的城市女性居民的体育参与现状进行调查分析,采用文献资料法、访谈调查法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑归纳法,从社区女性的角度出发研究女性参与体育锻炼的现状,并针对体育锻炼出现的问题提出相应的对策。这对提高女性居民的生活满意度、平衡女性的社会地位、提高城市社区性别和谐度以及社会的协调稳定发展具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。  关键词:城市社区 社区体育 女性
To study the characteristics of license plate characters recognition,this paper proposes a method for fea- ture extraction of license plate characters based o