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如何使孩子聪慧健康,这是新婚夫妇十分关心的问题。但很多人只重视婴儿出生后的教育,而忽略了小宝宝在“水晶宫” (母体内)的熏陶。近年来国内外科学家对“胎教”问题进行了大量的研究与探索,其中之一是研究“胎儿在母亲子宫内能否听到声音”这一问题。“我将来到人间”生物学家认为有节奏的音乐,可以刺激生物体内细胞分子发生一种共振,使原来处于静止休眠状态的分子和谐地运动起来,以促进细胞的新陈代谢。英国一位心理学家做了如下试验。他把正在响着的幽默、活泼、轻决乐曲的耳机,放置在怀孕五个月以上孕妇的腹部,母体内的胎儿便立即反应起来,不自主地急骤地蠕动,好象要跳舞似的,胎儿表现得非常好动。但是把耳机放在孕妇的耳部时,胎儿却丝毫无反应。是什么音乐促进胎儿这样兴奋和蠕动呢?原来耳机里的乐曲,是苏联作曲家普罗科菲耶夫为儿童谱写的一 How to make children smart and healthy, this is the newlyweds are very concerned about the issue. But many people only value the baby’s education after birth, while ignoring the baby’s influence in the “Crystal Palace” (the mother). In recent years, scientists at home and abroad have conducted a great deal of research and exploration on the issue of “prenatal education.” One of them is to study the issue of whether the fetus can hear the sound in the mother’s uterus. “I will come to earth ” Biologists believe that rhythmic music can stimulate the biological molecules in the body of a resonance, so that the original dormant dormant molecules move harmoniously in order to promote cell metabolism. A British psychologist did the following test. He put the ringing humor, lively, solitary music headphones, placed pregnant in the abdomen of more than five months pregnant, the fetus within the mother will immediately react, involuntarily peristalsis, like to dance like, The fetus performed very well. However, the headset on the ear of pregnant women, the fetus did not respond. What music to promote the fetus such excitement and peristals it? Original headphones in the music, is the Soviet composer Prokofiev for children to write a
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