
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FangShiJiaZu
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洞庭湖区属冲积平原,雨量丰沛,土质肥沃。现区内排灌渠系纵横交织,电力机埠星罗棋布,绿树成行,田园如画,是我国优越的商品粮生产基地。从建设成就看,水患已经大大减轻,堤垸抗洪能力已大大增强,农业生产高产稳产。但从另一方面看,工程上仍还存在不少问题,防洪标准还不够高,堤垸多为沙基,兽洞蚁穴等隐患也很多,加以所有入湖洪道逐年淤高,沿岸外洲不断围垦,尽管堤垸年年加高培厚,其结果是河底与堤顶争高,一到汛期险象丛生,紧张情况仍未能得到改善,更值得严重注意的是,人们太平麻痹思想既普遍又严重。因而,采取最佳方案,尽快增强现有堤防抗洪能力是当务之急,也是湖区人民的迫切愿望。根据湖区堤防现状提出如下六条加固措施: Dongting Lake area is an alluvial plain, abundant rainfall, fertile soil. The drainage and irrigation canals in the area are intertwined and criss-crossed, and the power supply ports are dotted with trees and picturesque pastures. It is the superior commodity grain production base in China. Judging from the achievements in construction, the flooding has been greatly reduced. The embankment flood fighting capacity has been greatly enhanced and the high and stable agricultural production has been achieved. However, on the other hand, there are still many problems in engineering. Flood control standards are not high enough. Many embankments are sand bases and beetles. There are many hidden dangers such as nest cavities. The continuous reclamation of the continent notwithstanding the heightening of the dike height every year, the result is that the river bottom and embankment struggle for high ground. As soon as the danger in the flood season comes to a standstill, tensions have not been able to be improved. What merits serious attention is that people have both the idea of ​​peaceful paralysis And serious. Therefore, adopting the best plan to enhance the flood-fighting capability of the existing embankments as soon as possible is a top priority and an urgent aspiration of the people in the Lake District. According to the status quo of the embankment lake proposed the following six reinforcement measures:
暑期檔来袭,继好莱坞大片风暴之后,一大波国产影片相继上线。在众多的影片中,最受期待的无疑是《悟空传》。该影片根据今何在的同名网络小说改编,拥有“史上最难改编IP”、超豪华的演员阵容,众多光环让观众对这部电影期待满满。  高票房与低口碑齐飞  电影《悟空传》讲述了还未成为齐天大圣的孙悟空(彭于晏饰演)来到花果山,天庭毁掉他的花果山以掌控众生命运,他不服天命,反抗天庭,向天地诸神发起抗争。该片在201
4 amino pyrimidinenotonlyhasimportantbio logicalactivity[1 ] ,butalsoistheintermediateforsomemedicines .Itcanbepreparedbycyclotrimer i 4 amino pyrimidinenotonlyhasimportantbio logicalactivity [1], butalsoistheintermediateforsomemedicines. Itcanbeprepared