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我们大队地势平坦,水源充足,自然条件好。从1970年以来,我们坚持摘复播葵花的试验,收到粮油双增产的良好效果。1974年,粮食平均亩产620 斤,交售国家40万斤,生产葵花 48,000斤,交售国家3万多斤。 1970年以前,我们大队的油料,主要是在盐碱地上种植生长期长的葵花,春种秋收,一年一茬,亩产只有80斤左右。北方地区农业会议以后,在深入开展农业学大寨的群众运动中,认真落实“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针,在增产粮食的同时,大搞葵花复种的试验和推广。1971年,在小麦收割后,复播“北葵1号“、“北葵15号”(生育期90天左右)20亩,小麦亩产500斤,葵花亩产300斤。1974年复播葵花180亩,小麦平均亩产500多斤,葵花亩产250斤,最高亩产320斤。复播葵花的主要环节是争取早播,小麦收获前浇好底墒水,小麦一收就翻入肥料,进行播种。每亩留苗2,500—3,000株。前期要迫肥一次。花盘形成以前,如果天旱要浇水,花盘长大后,一般不浇水,以免倒伏。中耕2—3次。今年,我们又搞了葵花复播,长势很好,丰收在望。 Our brigade is flat and has plenty of water and good natural conditions. Since 1970, we have insisted on the experiment of extracting sunflower seeds and have received good results of double production increase of grain and oil. In 1974, the average grain output per square kilometer was 620 kilograms, and the country traded 400,000 kilos, producing 48,000 kilograms of sunflowers and selling more than 30,000 kilos of the country. Before 1970, the brigade’s fuel was mainly planted with long-growing sunflowers on saline-alkali soil. In the spring, the harvest of autumn harvest was only about 80 kilos per mu a year. After the agricultural conference in the north region, in carrying out the mass movement of learning from Dazhai in agriculture, the principle of “taking grain as the key link and all-round development” was earnestly implemented. At the same time of increasing grain production, the trial and promotion of multiple cropping of sunflower should be vigorously pursued. In 1971, 20 acres of “Bei Kui 1” and “Bei Kui 15” (the growth period of about 90 days) were planted after the wheat was harvested. The output of wheat was 500 kg and that of the sunflower was 300 kg. Seeding 180 acres of sunflower in 1974, the average yield of more than 500 kilograms of wheat, sunflower yield of 250 pounds, the highest yield of 320 pounds. The main part of compounding sunflower is to strive for early sowing, pouring wheat into water at the end of harvesting before harvesting wheat, turn into fertilizer and close sowing. Miao Miao per acre 2,500-3,000. Pre-fattening once. Before the formation of the faceplate, if drought is to be watered, after the faceplate grows, it is generally not watered to avoid lodging. Cultivated 2-3 times. This year, we have re-broadcast the sunflower and are in a good shape with a good harvest.
收集我院近 7年来 7 293例胃镜检查中,共检出胃血吸虫病 18例,占受检人数的 0.25% 。18例中男 16例,女 2例。年龄 39~63岁,平均50 .2岁。临床表现:上腹疼痛16例,饱胀13例,暖气
病历摘要 患者,女,34岁,干部。因间断浮肿1年,加重伴全身皮肤黄染1周于1998年4月10日9时入院。患者缘于1年前无明显诱因出现晨起眼睑浮肿,继而出现少尿(400ml/日)及下肢浮肿