
来源 :山东农药信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Sophie_LGH
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根据各蝗区2010年秋残蝗面积、密度及2011年春季以来蝗卵调查情况,结合历史资料,预计2011年山东省东亚飞蝗夏蝗中等发生,环渤海湾地区偏重发生;发生面积400万亩,三龄高峰期将在6月上旬。预报依据:1、秋残蝗的面积较大、密度略高。据各有蝗市统计,全省上年秋残蝗面积286.7万亩,比2009年 According to the investigation on the area and density of the locusts in the autumn of 2010 and the investigation of locust eggs since the spring of 2011, combining with the historical data, it is estimated that locust locusts (Locusta migratoria manilensis) occur moderately in 2011 and the areas around the Bohai Bay area are prevalent; the area of ​​400 mu The third peak will be in early June. Forecast based on: 1, Achilles locust larger area, slightly higher density. According to the statistics of each locust city, the area of ​​autumn locusts in the province last autumn was 2.87 million mu, more than in 2009
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Objective:To study the efficacy of subconjunctival 5-fluorouracil(5-FU) and triamcinolone injection in halting the progression of impending recurrent pterygium.
父母过分的苛责会加剧孩子内心的恐惧与自卑,使孩子做事畏畏缩缩、放不开手脚。文章选材于生活,虽然是一篇幻想文章,但带给我们很多思考。对家长是一种启发:孩子渴望包容、理解与认可。小编在此提醒同学们,家长的夸赞是对我们的鼓励与肯定,大家万万不可因此膨胀、不思进取。  一直以为那个人会一直在我的前面大踏步地走,为我开辟前行的道路。可有一天,蓦然回首,才发现他已落在我身后,正努力跟上我的脚步。  他是我心目
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