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一个初春的晴天。我邀同熟悉涪陵掌故的老刘,从涪陵市城北,乘木船,过鉴湖,游到长江中间的白鹤梁,观赏名闻中外的水下碑林。 这片碑林与我国其它陆上碑林迥然不同。这里的石刻字画,都是刻在河中的天然石梁上:常年淹没水中,只在冬春之交,石梁才露出水面。眼下,汹涌的江水不断冲涤着仰卧石梁上的横七竖八的石碑,部分石碑还隐卧水中,看不到碑林全貌。幸好,市文化馆的同志正在拓印碑文,向他们请教,增益不少。 这是一匹青灰色石梁,顺着长江流向,由西向东延伸,长约一千六百米,宽十余米。据介绍,从唐代广德元年至今一千二百年间,历代文人墨客三百余人在这石梁上,题刻了诗文一百六十三段,浅雕、浮雕、立体雕等大小石鱼十四尾,还刻有一只展翅欲飞的白鹤。十年浩劫中许多地方的碑刻文物均惨遭破坏,唯有涪陵白鹤梁上的石刻却安然无恙。这不得不归功于这滚滚东去的洪流。 An early spring sunny day. I invited Lao Liu, who was familiar with Fuling’s death, from the north of Fuling City, took a wooden boat, visited Lake Jian, traveled to Baihe Liang in the middle of the Yangtze River and watched the famous Beilin in the world. This piece of forest is totally different from other forest tablets in China. Stone carving here are all carved in the river’s natural stone beams: all the year round, submerged in water, only at the turn of winter and spring, Shiliang was exposed. Right now, the turbulent river washed washed stone lying on a vertical stone monument, part of the stone still hidden in water, can not see the panorama of Forest of Stone Tablets. Fortunately, the comrades of the City Museum of Culture are rubbing inscriptions, ask them a lot of gain. This is a gray stone, along the Yangtze River flow, extending from west to east, about 1,600 meters wide and more than ten meters. According to reports, from the first year of the Guangde period in the Tang Dynasty to the present 1200 years, over 300 literati and literary men of various dynasties have inscribed a hundred and sixty-three paragraphs of poetry on this stone beam. The sizes of shallow carvings, reliefs, and stereo carvings Fourteen fish stone, but also engraved with a crane wings to fly. In ten years of havoc in many parts of the monument cultural relics were brutally destroyed, only the stone carving Fuling crane Crane was safe and sound. This has to be attributed to the torrent of billowing east.
在大自然中,不仅有许多令人向往的美妙景象,也有一些令人恐惧的地方,更有无数的神奇之谜等待着人们去探解。探索自然,破解奥秘,已引起许多专家和普通民众的极大兴趣。 In na
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