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在苏联当代文学史上,有一位作家的名字与“解冻”文学紧紧地连在一起。他就是驰名国内外的大作家伊利亚·格里戈里耶维奇·爱伦堡。 爱伦堡1891年出生在乌克兰基辅一个犹太工程师家庭,后举家迁往莫斯科。17岁时因参加革命活动被捕入狱,获释后移居巴黎。此后,长期生活在西欧,曾担任俄国驻欧记者,20年代起又成了苏联驻欧记者,直到1940年巴黎沦陷前才回到苏联。 爱伦堡是一个多产的作家,一生发表过诗歌、游记、政论文、小说、回忆录等无数作品。其中最具代表性的是政论文和小说。他擅长冷嘲热讽,喜持否定态度。因此,他的暴露性小说和政论文都具有广泛的影响。如果说,大量反法西斯题材的政论文为他赢得世界声誉的话,那么小说《解冻》则可称为“解冻”文学的代表作。 中篇小说《解冻》分为两部分。第一部发表于1954年《旗》杂志上,1956年又发表第二部,并于当年9月23日出版单行本。 1953年3月,斯大林去逝,苏联社会经历着“解冻与冰冻,春天与冬天”的斗争。《解冻》描写的故事正是发生在1953年冬至1954年春这一特殊的历史转折时期。 小说主人公——伏尔加河畔小城市机床厂厂长茹拉甫廖夫,是个“典型的官僚主义者”。他思想僵化,只知完成生产任务,以此获取上级的褒奖,但他根本不关心 In the history of contemporary literature in the Soviet Union, one author’s name is closely linked with “thawing” literature. He is a famous writer at home and abroad Ilya Grigoryevich Ehrenburg. Ehrenburg was born in 1891 in Kyiv, Ukraine, a Jewish engineer family, after his family moved to Moscow. At the age of 17, he was jailed for his revolutionary activities and moved to Paris after his release. Since then, he has lived in Western Europe for a long time and served as a reporter for Russia in Europe. From the 1920s he became a Soviet correspondent in Europe and did not return to the Soviet Union until the fall of Paris in 1940. Ehrenburg is a prolific writer who has published countless works of poetry, travelogue, political essay, novels and memoirs throughout his life. One of the most representative is the political essays and novels. He is good at cynicism, like negative attitude. Therefore, his exposure to fiction and political essay have a wide range of influence. If a large number of anti-fascist political essays won him a world reputation, then the novel “Thaw” can be called “thaw” literature masterpiece. The novella “thaw” is divided into two parts. The first was published in 1954 in the flag magazine, the second in 1956 and the single in the September 23 of that year. In March 1953, Stalin passed away and Soviet society experienced the struggle of “thawing and freezing, spring and winter.” The story of “Thawing” happened exactly during the special historical turning point from the winter of 1953 to the spring of 1954. The hero of the novel, Jurapov, director of the machine tool factory in the small city of Volga, is a “typical bureaucrat.” He was rigid in thinking, only to complete the production tasks, in order to obtain superior praise, but he did not care
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