来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzfjl
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Proper meshing of Hy-Vo silent chain and sprocket is important for realizing the transmis- sion of the silent chain with more efficiency and less noise.Based on the study of the meshing theory of the Hy-Vo silent chain with the sprocket and the roll cutting machining principle of the sprocket with the hob,the proper conditions of the meshing for the Hy-Vo silent chain and the sprocket are put forward with the variable pitch characteristic of the Hy-Vo silent chain taken into consideration,and the proper meshing design method on the condition that the value of the link tooth pressure angle is unequal to the value of the sprocket tooth pressure angle is studied.Experiments show that this new design method is feasible.In addition,the design of the pitch,the sprocket tooth pressure angle and the fillet radius of the sprocket addendum circle are studied.It is crucial for guiding the design of the hob which cuts the Hy-Vo silent chain sprocket. Proper meshing of Hy-Vo silent chain and sprocket is important for realizing the transmis- sion of the silent chain with more efficiency and less noise.Based on the study of the meshing theory of the Hy-Vo silent chain with the sprocket and the roll cutting machining principle of the sprocket with the hob, the proper conditions of the meshing for the Hy-Vo silent chain and the sprocket are put forward with the variable pitch characteristic of the Hy-Vo silent chain taken into consideration, and the proper meshing design method on the condition that the value of the link tooth pressure angle is unequal to the value of the sprocket tooth pressure angle is studied. Experiments show that this new design method is feasible. In addition, the design of the pitch, the sprocket tooth pressure angle and the fillet radius of the sprocket addendum circle are studied.It is crucial for guiding the design of the hob which cuts the Hy-Vo silent chain sprocket.
【摘要】随着教学改革的深入,互动式电子白板技术已成为中学数学课堂不可或缺的教学工具。互动式电子白板技术以其强大的教学功能,彻底改变了初中数学枯燥、乏味、单调的历史,这种技术的应用,极大地推动和促进了初中数学教师教学方法的转变。本文就是结合自己的实际教育教学活动,谈谈互动式电子白板技术在中学数学课堂的几点应用。  【关键词】电子白板 数学课堂  【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A 【文章编号
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