
来源 :上海金属(钢铁分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxzxzzm
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1985年4月由冶金部安全环保司召开的“马鞍山钢铁公司高炉渣炉前直接成珠工艺及膨珠应用鉴定会”在马鞍山市举行。参加会议有来自全国各地的钢铁冶金、建筑等行业的代表80余人。被鉴定的马钢一铁厂7号高炉炉前膨珠生产线是81年设计、制造和安装的,从设计到投入运行仅3个月时间。迄今已安全生产了4万吨膨珠,质量符合国家建筑用轻骨料标准,经研磨后也可作水泥混合材。与传统的水冲渣相比,滚筒法生产膨珠具有投资少2/3、能耗低(节电75%、节水90%)、对环境污染小等一系列优点。且用膨珠制成的混凝土容重轻,有较好的绝热、吸音性能、很适于作住宅的内、外墙板、顶板及隔墙板。会议期间就上述方面宣读了六篇有关报告。代 April 1985 by the Metallurgical Department of Safety and Environmental Protection Division held a “Maanshan Iron and Steel Company Blast furnace directly into the bead process and application of appraisal beads,” held in Ma’anshan City. More than 80 representatives from the metallurgy, construction and other industries from all over the country attended the conference. It was identified that the No. 7 BF blast furnace production line of Masteel No.1 Iron Works was designed, manufactured and installed in 81 years and only took 3 months from design to put into operation. To date, it has safely produced 40,000 tons of pellets, the quality meets the national standards for light aggregate construction, and can also be used as a cementitious material after grinding. Compared with the traditional water scum, the roller method for producing spiraled beads has a series of advantages such as less investment 2/3, low energy consumption (75% electricity saving, 90% water saving) and small environmental pollution. The concrete made from the expanded beads is light in weight and good in heat insulation and sound absorption. It is suitable for the interior, exterior wall panels, roof panels and partition panels of residential buildings. During the meeting, six relevant reports were read on the above aspects. generation
西德科夫工程公司于1978年继科夫平法成功之后,研制出 EOF(Energy optimizingfurnacc)节能炼钢炉。先在南非试验,1982年初巴西建造了一座25吨 EOF 试验炉,同年12月又投产一
本文着重介绍自身预热热风炉的理论基础及其优点。计算例的结果证明,用3座常规大小的热风炉可以获得1200℃的热风炉出口风温。 This article focuses on its own preheating
本文介绍了在转炉纯氧吹炼铬铁生产中,应用加炭法操作工艺,解决了开吹温度过低,特殊情况下的产品夹渣以及吹炼含C4—7%的铬铁等问题,取得了较好的效果。 This paper introduc