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10月28日是我国第三个“男性健康日”。在不少人看来,男人的健康从来就不是个问题,而实际上我国男性健康状况令人担忧。现代社会人们的竞争越来越激烈,心理压力越来越大,生活节奏越来越快,生存环境的污染又越来越严重,与女性相比,男性免疫力较低,耐久力较差,生命力较弱。全美健康调查中心的一份数据表明,男性的预期寿命要比女性短6年!而且即使不考虑寿命的问题,男性的生命质量也通常比女性低。在某些遗传疾病、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病、糖尿病、肝病等方面,男性的患病率较高。男性的心脏病发病率是女性的一倍。较女性而言,男性去看医生的频度亦要低28%。据专家统计,20世纪60年代起,世界上死于前列腺癌的人数上升了17%,而与此形成鲜明比照的,却是全社会男性健康意识的淡漠。今年“男性健康日”里,我们继续呼吁全社会从提高人们生命质量,提高生活质量,稳定家庭,增添幸福的高度,正确认识男性疾病,建立男性疾病防治体系,重视男性生殖健康,让生活更美好,让生活更加完善。 October 28 is the third “Male Health Day” in China. In many people’s opinion, men’s health has never been a problem, but in fact men’s health in our country is worrying. In modern society, the competition of people is more and more intense, the psychological pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, the pollution of living environment is more and more serious. Compared with women, men have lower immunity and weaker endurance, Weak vitality. According to a data from the National Institutes of Health Survey, men expect life expectancy 6 years shorter than women! And, even without regard to life expectancy, men’s quality of life is often lower than that of women. In some genetic diseases, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, diabetes, liver disease, etc., the prevalence of men is higher. The incidence of heart disease in men is twice that of women. Men are also 28% less likely to see a doctor than women. According to expert statistics, since the 1960s, the number of people who die of prostate cancer in the world has risen by 17%. However, a stark contrast to this is the indifference of men’s health awareness in the whole society. In this year’s “Men’s Health Day,” we continue to call on the whole society to correctly understand male diseases, establish a male disease prevention and control system, and attach importance to male reproductive health by raising the quality of life, improving the quality of life, stabilizing families and increasing happiness. Better life, better life.
  Immune therapy: The 40 nm NINA (Normalization Inducing NAno)-particle contains a defined Quillaja saponin fraction C (QHC) with a strong immune modulating c
第一次见到黄辉,是在屏幕上,记 得是一个音乐节目,印象比较深的是她 的优雅和从容,以及她对音乐的驾轻就 熟,感觉是个可以划为专业型的美女主 持。几次接触下来,对她的感觉,
板栗营养丰富,淀粉含量56.3%~72.3%,脂肪2%~7.4%,蛋白质5.1%~10.7%,还含有较多的乙种维生素,今年每公斤栗果价格达13~18元,是我国重要的出口创汇商品,其采收后管理如下: 1 修树盘 Ches
On October 26, the Minis仕y of Foreign Affairs of China annonuced hte appoinmtent of Ambassador Xu Bu as the President of China Institute of IntenrationalStudie