
来源 :山东教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liupu555
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周末回妈妈家,三岁的外甥正在发飙。他生气地把桌上的东西全部丢到地上,愤怒地用脚踢。一旁的爸爸气得脸色铁青,就差上去揍他一顿了。为了缓和气氛,我赶忙招呼外甥:“快来,看我带了什么好东西……”可无论我怎么套近乎,小家伙就是不待见我,梗着个脖子俨然一头小“犟驴”。虽然不了解什么原因,但基于对外甥和爸爸的了解,我大概猜出了他生气的原因,我说:“赫赫,生气了是吧?是不是因为姥爷不理你?”他犀利 Back to her mother’s home over the weekend, three-year-old nephew is freak. He angrily dropped everything on the table to the ground and kicked angrily. Side of the dad angry pale, he went to beat him up meal. In order to ease the atmosphere, I quickly greeted the nephew: “Come, see what good things I brought ... ” But no matter how close I am, the little guy is not to see me, with a neck like a small “donkey ”. Although I do not know why, based on my understanding of my nephew and my father, I probably guessed the reason why he was angry. I said: “Hehe, is he angry? Is it because grandpa ignored you?”
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