如果您有心理方面的困惑,可以发电予邮件到laoyou_xby@163.com中。我们将针对您提出的问题,请专门的心理医生来为您解答。本刊编辑部编辑同志;您好!我今年6 5岁了,前不久的一天,我把女儿一家三口和侄儿都叫到家里,打算好好吃一顿饭,聊聊天.小辈从下午3点多来了之后,女儿在忙着打电话,女婿一直埋头在手机上看小说,4岁的外孙就抱着i p a d玩游戏,侄儿则不停地刷微博,老伴儿在厨房忙做菜,我只好在客厅发呆。到了吃晚饭的时候,我想,吃饭总能说
If you have psychological confusion, you can power to the mail to laoyou_xby@163.com. We will address your questions, ask a dedicated psychiatrist to answer your questions. I edit the comrades; Hello! I am 65 years old this year, the day before recently, I put my daughter a family of three and his nephew are called home, intends to have a good meal, chat. Junior from 3 pm After more points came, the daughter was busy calling, son-in-law has been buried in the phone to read the novel, 4-year-old grandson holding ipad to play games, nephews are constantly brushing microblogging, his wife busy cooking in the kitchen I had to daze in the living room. When I had dinner, I thought I could always eat