Assessing citizen science opportunities in forest monitoring using probabilistic topic modelling

来源 :Forest Ecosystems | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qmail03
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Background:With mounting global environmental,social and economic pressures the resilience and stability of forests and thus the provisioning of vital ecosystem services is increasingly threatened.Intensified monitoring can help to detect ecological threats and changes earlier,but monitoring resources are limited.Participatory forest monitoring with the help of “citizen scientists” can provide additional resources for forest monitoring and at the same time help to communicate with stakeholders and the general public.Examples for citizen science projects in the forestry domain can be found but a solid,applicable larger framework to utilise public participation in the area of forest monitoring seems to be lacking.We propose that a better understanding of shared and related topics in citizen science and forest monitoring might be a first step towards such a framework.Methods:We conduct a systematic meta-analysis of 1015 publication abstracts addressing “forest monitoring” and “citizen science” in order to explore the combined topical landscape of these subjects.We employ ’topic modelling’,an unsupervised probabilistic machine learning method,to identify latent shared topics in the analysed publications.Results:We find that large shared topics exist,but that these are primarily topics that would be expected in scientific publications in general.Common domain-specific topics are under-represented and indicate a topical separation of the two document sets on “forest monitoring” and “citizen science” and thus the represented domains.While topic modelling as a method proves to be a scalable and useful analytical tool,we propose that our approach could deliver even more useful data if a larger document set and full-text publications would be available for analysis.Conclusions:We propose that these results,together with the observation of non-shared but related topics,point at under-utilised opportunities for public participation in forest monitoring.Citizen science could be applied as a versatile tool in forest ecosystems monitoring,complementing traditional forest monitoring programmes,assisting early threat recognition and helping to connect forest management with the general public.We conclude that our presented approach should be pursued further as it may aid the understanding and setup of citizen science efforts in the forest monitoring domain. Background: With mounting global environmental, social and economic pressures the resilience and stability of forests and thus the provisioning of vital ecosystem services is increasingly threatened. Invasive monitoring can help to detect potential threats and changes earlier, but monitoring resources are limited. Participatoryatory forest monitoring with the help of “citizen scientists ” can provide additional resources for forest monitoring and at the same time help to communicate with stakeholders and the general public. Examples for citizen science projects in the forestry domain can be found but a solid, larger framework to utilise public participation in the area of ​​forest monitoring seems to be lacking. We propose that a better understanding of shared and related topics in citizen science and forest monitoring might be a first step towards such a framework. Methods: We conduct a systematic meta -analysis of 1015 publication abstracts addressing “forest monitoring ” and “citize n science ”in order to explore the combined topical landscape of these subjects.We employ ’topic modeling’, an unsupervised probabilistic machine learning method, to identify latent shared topics in the analyzed publications. Results: We find that large shared topics exist, but that these be among expected publications in scientific publications in general. Common domain-specific topics are under-represented and indicate a topical separation of the two document sets on “forest monitoring” and “citizen science” and thus the represented domains. Whilst topic scalelling as a method proves to be a scalable and useful analytical tool, we propose that we approach that deliver even more useful data if a larger document set and full-text publications would be available for analysis. Conclusions: We propose that these results, together with the observation of non-shared but related topics, point at under-utilized opportunities for public participation in forest monitoring. Citizen sciencecould be applied as a versatile tool in forest ecosystems monitoring, complementing traditional forest monitoring programs, assisting early threat recognition and helping to connect forest management with the general public.We conclude that our presented approach should be pursued further as it may aid the understanding and setup of citizen science efforts in the forest monitoring domain.
摘要:茶叶是开州区传统特色农业产业之一,种植历史悠久。近年来产业发展受产业基础薄弱、组织化程度低、产业融合不够、品牌包装打造乏力等因素影响,逐渐萎缩。针对产业现状,下步茶产业发展以农业供给侧结构性改革为主线,全面推进茶产业发展基础建设,优化产业链条,稳步提升茶产业发展综合竞争能力,促进产业增效、农民增收,实现茶产业可持续发展。  关键词:茶产业;瓶颈;创新;策略  一、产业现状  开州区位于重庆市
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摘要:在我国西部、北部地区生态环境日益恶化的形势下,运用多种水资源保护、水土保持措施进行生态建设,成为生态与环境保护关注的重要课题。从水资源保护与利用方面分析,对于沙漠化、荒漠化生态环境的治理,应通过生产节水、跨流域输水、植树造林、封育涵养等措施,来恢复北部、西部地区的生态平衡。本文主要探讨水资源保护与生态环境建设,通过对北部、西北地区环境状况的分析,提出相应的环境保护与建设策略。  关键词:水资