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舟蛾科Notodontidoe,亦称天社蛾科,全世界已知2350种,而以南美洲种类较多,我国种类尚未充分调查,据文献所记,已有220种之多;但根据我国自然地理条件和舟蛾分布的可能性,估计至少在270种以上. 舟蛾大都是林业,果树上的害虫,有些种类常给农林业生产带来极大危害.例如苹果舟蛾Phalera flavescens Bremer et Grey,常在果园中引起大患;此外南北各地的白杨舟蛾clostera anachoreta Fabricius,是为杨树大害虫,盛发时,树叶常被吃光;严重影响竹材生产的纵折竹舟蛾Bireta goddrica (schaus) 大发生时,整片竹林叶片常被吃光.因此,舟蛾在皖南地区是农林业上的重要害虫之一. 以往,对这类害虫了解的很少,重视不够.1975年以来,我们对这科害虫在皖南地区的种类,分布及发生情况曾做过一些采集、调查和观察,摸索到一些情况.现将这科害虫在皖南地区的初步调查结果,整理如下,供参考. Notodontidoe, also known as the angel moth family, known around the world 2350 species, and more species in South America, our species has not yet fully investigated, according to the literature, there are as many as 220 species; but according to our natural geography Conditions and the possibility of the distribution of the boat moth, it is estimated that at least 270 kinds of more than the moths are mostly forestry, fruit pests, some species often give great detrimental to the production of agriculture and forestry, such as the apple moth Phalera flavescens Bremer et Gray, Often in the orchard caused by a major hazard; In addition, the southern and northern parts of the genus clostera anachoreta Fabricius, poplar is a large pests, Sheng hair, the leaves are often eaten; seriously affect the production of bamboo bamboo Zoobera Bireta goddrica (schaus) large Occurred when the whole piece of bamboo leaves often eaten.Therefore, the boat moth in southern Anhui is one of the important pests on agriculture and forestry.In the past, little understanding of such pests, attention is not enough .To 1975, we are right Pests in southern Anhui species, distribution and occurrence have done some collection, investigation and observation, to explore some of the situation now pests in southern Anhui preliminary findings, collated below for reference.
前不久,卫生部制定下发了《城市社区卫生服务基本工作内容(试行)》,现刊登如下。 Not long ago, the Ministry of Health issued the “Basic Work Content for Urban Commu
一瞬间,这封邮件就从Outlook Express中跳出来了。也就是在这一刻,李玫听到了炸雷在自己脑子里轰响的声音,她感到自己的眼一在流血,她真的希望自己能在那一瞬间死去!有无数个
依据国家标准 ,本刊在刊发稿件中一律使用法定计量单位 ,为便于读者阅读 ,现将本刊常用单位符号及其换算方法介绍如下 :1 长度单位 :km =公里、千米 ,m =米 ,cm =厘米 ,mm =
大球蚧(Eulecanium Sp.)系同翅目介壳虫总科蜡蚧科(Coccidae)的昆虫。为我市行道树上的一种重要害虫。它的寄主范围广,为害重。据调查:本市的城关、七里河、西固和安宁近郊