文化惠民 品牌联动 “文化周末”创新基层文化服务模式

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基层文化是国家文化的基础,基层文化建设中出现的体制性障碍以及由此产生的问题,迫切要求进行文化建设的理论突破。基层文化转型必须打破旧的文化理论和体制的路径依靠,把文化产业作为发展基层文化的动力和手段,把搞好政府的公共文化服务体系作支撑,把保障和实现公民文化权利作为基层文化发展的最终目标。中共莞城街道党委、街道办事处实践科学发展观,全面落实国家公共文化服务体系建设,进一步解放思想,把创新思维运用到基层文化建设中去,精心打造“文化周末”系列工程,实现了由政府管理文化活动向政府服务文化活动的积极转变。真正从根本上增强基层文化的造血功能。“文化周末”系列工程的成功运营,创立了一种全新的基层公共文化服务模式,对于搞好政府公共文化服务体系,有着强烈的现实借鉴意义。 Grass-roots culture is the foundation of national culture, the institutional barriers that emerge in the construction of grass-roots culture and the problems arising therefrom, and urgently requires a theoretical breakthrough in cultural construction. Cultural transformation at the grassroots level must break the path of old cultural theories and institutions and rely on the cultural industry as a motive force and means for developing grassroots culture and support the improvement of the government’s public cultural service system. Take safeguarding and realizing civil cultural rights as the development of grassroots culture The ultimate goal. Party committees and sub-district offices in Guancheng Street, part of the CPC, practice the scientific concept of development, fully implement the construction of a national public cultural service system, further emancipate their minds and apply innovative thinking to the grass-roots cultural construction, and carefully create a series of projects such as “Cultural Weekends” A positive change from government-run cultural activities to government service to cultural activities. Truly fundamentally enhance the grass-roots culture of hematopoietic function. “Cultural Weekend ” series of successful operation of the project, the creation of a new grass-roots public cultural service model for the government to improve the public cultural service system, there is a strong practical significance.
不少物理量带有正负号,如速度、电势、功等,不少同学往往把它们混为一谈,其实,这些正负号含意各不相同。物理量中正负号的用法有如下几种: 一、表示物理量的方向 对于矢量,一般用幅
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