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在张家港市永联镇,粉墙黛瓦的“村民议事厅”成了无数参观者感兴趣的话题。这看上去有点类似于徽派风格的建筑,内部设计却仿效了欧洲国家议会的特色,设有16人的圆形主席台、285个席位及可视参观通道。村民代表开会议事时,非参会对象可通过二层的有机玻璃和音频系统了解会议进程,议事厅外墙的LED大屏幕也会同步对外直播。村民议事厅使村民自治、基层民主成为“看得见、摸得着”的东西,是张家港市永联村民主法治建设史上一个重要的里程碑。伴随着经济社会飞速发展,民主法治理念愈加深入人 Evergreen Town in Zhangjiagang City, Fenqiangdaiwa “villager’s office ” has become a topic of interest to many visitors. This looks a bit like a Huizhou-style building, the interior design has followed the characteristics of the European National Parliament, with a 16-person circular rostrum, 285 seats and visual access. During the meeting of villager representatives, non-participants can learn the progress of the meeting through the plexiglass and audio system on the second floor. The LED large screen on the outer wall of the auditorium will also broadcast simultaneously. The Villager’s Office made villagers’ self-government and grassroots democracy “visible and tangible.” It is an important landmark in the history of democracy and rule of law in Yonglian Village, Zhangjiagang City. With the rapid economic and social development, the concept of democracy and the rule of law has become even more profound
基于非结构网格,采用经典的wilcox k-ω模型和其改进的kω-Pω模型,建立了用于模拟大攻角旋涡流动的计算方法。以尖前缘的65°三角翼为例,模拟了旋涡的产生、发展、破裂过程,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2003年美国主要航空公司运量统计 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
The BUAA-BWB remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) designed by our research team encountered an unexpected landing safety problem in flight tests. It has obviously aff
The ZDPS-1A pico-satellites are the first satellites in China within the 1-10 kg mass range that are successfully operated on orbit. Unlike common pico-satellit
牙侯广 壮族,1991年生于广西凤山县,广西作家协会会员,鲁迅文学院第二十四期少数民族文学创作培训班学员。现供职于广西民族师范学院党委宣传部。近年来有诗作发表在《中国诗歌》《广西文学》《散文诗·校园文学》《青年文摘》《上海诗人》《佛山文艺》《风流一代》《光明日报》《新华社经济参考报》等报刊,著有诗集《山 魂水魄》。  这个瘦小的女人  白天,这个瘦小的女人  把一捆捆木柴  從山上背回家里  晒