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第六章关于识谱在音乐教育体系中,对幼儿的教学有的主张入门之初应丢掉因学习识谱而受到的束缚,强调依靠听觉模仿来进行学习,以便引导儿童专致于演奏和音乐表现。也有的认为识谱是必由之路,与基础训练同步入手,脑、眼、手、耳全面训练,对开发智力,增强独立学习能力更为有利。在我国幼儿钢琴入门教学多采用后者。认识和熟读五线谱对幼儿学习钢琴是一个重要关口,需要得到良好的指导。现在本篇中单列一章加以阐述。不是讲如何认五线谱,而是侧重于帮助家长辅导孩子学习识谱和帮助纠正孩子在识谱中最易出现的错误。 Chapter VI On the Identification of Music In the music education system, some propositions on the teaching of young children should be discarded at the beginning of their study because of their knowledge of the spectrum, emphasizing the use of auditory imitation to learn in order to guide children specifically for performance and music which performed. Others think that reading is the only way to proceed, starting simultaneously with basic training. Comprehensive training of the brain, eyes, hands and ears is more beneficial for developing intelligence and enhancing independent learning. Parents in our children’s piano teaching more use of the latter. Knowing and reading staves is an important juncture for young children to learn the piano and needs good guidance. Now in this chapter in a separate chapter to elaborate. Rather than focusing on the staff, it focuses on helping parents to help their children learn knowledge and help correct the most common mistakes children make in their knowledge.
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我院对当地902名副科级以上公务员进行了体检,其中男826例,女76例,平均年龄46.2岁。体检结果,身体完全健康170例,占18.85%;身体基本健康190例,占21.06%;患病者542例,占60.09%,其中患有严重疾病者74例,占8.20%。... Our hospital conduc
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