Microlens fabricated in silicon on insulator using porous silicon

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In order to realize the planar gradient refractive index (GRIN) microlens which is based upon porous silicon (PSi) and fabricated on silicon on insulator (SOI), a novel anodization method is used by applying lateral electric field. The microlens with smooth variation of the effective optical thickness is achieved. The lens is transparent in the infrared region, including the optical communication window (1.3 μm<λ<1.6 μm). This approach also allows the fabrication of an array of such lenses on SOI, and the GRIN microlens can be used as potential components in future silicon-based integrated optical circuits.
针对“神光Ⅱ”精密化的要求, 采用半波片和 偏振片组合衰减装置精确控制光束能量, 达到能量平衡。 简要论述了半波片组合衰减器的 工作原理。 采用独特的方法, 对高精度光电探头和半波片的特性进行了检测。 在此基础上 , 运用自动控制技术进行智能调节, 实现了闭环自动控制模拟实验, 达到了均方根为2%的激 光能量控制精度。
An on-chip, high extinction ratio transverse electric (TE)-pass polarizer using a silicon hybrid plasmonic grating is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Utilizing plasmonics to manipulate the effective index and mode distribution, the transverse ma
频率在0.1~10 THz的太赫兹波具有传输容量大、方向性好、传输效率高等优点。研究其在通信领域的应用, 对满足用户对传输速率越来越高的要求具有重要意义。实验通过太赫兹时域光谱(THz-TDS)系统测得0.1~2.4 THz太赫兹波在不同湿度的空气中传输0.6 m的传输数据, 同时采用Dorney等提出的提取光学常数的经典模型得到延迟时间、功率谱、振幅谱和吸收系数等数据。分析结果表明:大气中的水蒸气对太赫兹波具有明显的吸收衰减作用, 而且湿度越大衰减作用越强, 在吸收峰值处影响更加明显; 同时存在弱衰减作
在传统pn结红外探测器中,宽带隙阻挡层的引入可以有效降低器件暗电流。采用COMSOL软件对探测器的能带图进行仿真,结果表明,InAsSbP四元合金通过n型或p型掺杂,其能带结构能够实现价带能级的下凹或导带能级的上凸,起到阻挡空穴或电子的作用。通过理论分析和仿真计算,确定了满足阻挡层要求的InAsSbP组分。对于nBip型和pBin型红外探测器,仿真得到了阻挡层的最优厚度和最优掺杂浓度(粒子数浓度),并分析了其偏离最优值时对器件暗电流的影响。对于nBip型探测器,当阻挡层厚度为40 nm、掺杂浓度为2×10
44.6 fs pulses from a 257 MHz, mode-locked non-polarization maintaining Er-doped fiber laser based on a biased nonlinear amplifying loop mirror are reported. The output power is 104 mW and the single-pulse energy is 0.4 nJ. The minimum pulse duration of t
The high-temperature sensitivity of the silicon material index limits the applications of silicon-based micro-ring resonators in integrated photonics. To realize a low but broadband temperature-dependent-wavelength-shift microring resonator, designing a b