强化政治功能 突出服务主题 提升凝聚服务党员和群众的能力——傅兴国同志在全区非公企业和社会组织党群活动服务中心建设现场会上的讲话(摘编)

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石嘴山市从2013年初开始主动适应经济发展的新要求,按照区域化、大党建的思路,以园区和行业系统为支点,在园区和社会组织集中的地方建立了7个党群活动服务中心。石嘴山市推进党群活动服务中心建设实践探索,对于破解园区非公企业和社会组织集中区党建工作难题具有深刻启示,概括有三条:一是加强非公企业和社会组织党建工作,必须整合各方资源,统筹推进。石嘴山市对园区党工委、党群部门、经济综合部门和企业、社会组织党建工作资源进行有效整合,指派专人负责党群活 Shizuishan City has taken the initiative to meet the new requirements of economic development from the beginning of 2013. According to the ideas of regionalization and big party building, the park and industrial system are the fulcrums, and 7 service centers for party activities are established in the parks and social organizations. Shizuishan promote the construction of party and group service center practice exploration, for the solution of non-public enterprises in the park and the social construction of party construction work has profound implications, summed up in three: First, to strengthen non-public enterprises and social organizations, party building, we must integrate all parties Resources, co-ordinate promotion. Shizuishan City, the park’s party committees, party and mass departments, economic sectors and enterprises, social organizations, the effective integration of party building resources, assigned a special person in charge of party activities
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美国Northrop Grumman公司的研究人员研制出一种在42-46GHz的Q波段可输出2.8W(+34.5dBm)的高效率单片功率放大器。当工作电压5V、工作电流为250mA/mm器件周长时,该功放的功率
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