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当解决2000年问题变得越来越紧迫时,用户们自然会想起那些曾经向客户展开灿烂笑脸、客户怎么说就怎么是的IT厂商们。 IT厂商作为计算机产品的“身生父母”,不论是因为“遗传”所致,还是“后天”所为,都对“孩子”的成长赋有一定的责任。这里,我们对几家“父母亲”作了一个调查,可以说,他们都或多或少对Y2K问题作了努力。 IBM:IBM可以说是IT厂商中软硬兼施,大小统吃的那种。对2000年问题,他们在1995年就提出,准备了白皮书,并向其客户及合作伙伴发表声明,“所有IBM的新产品都将能解决2000年问题”。IBM从各部门抽调技术人员,成立了专门解决2000年问题的小组。小组成员对IBM自己的产品,在2000年可能出现的问题作了调查,并把得出的信息积极、主动地传递给自己的用户,希望用户能及早意识到问题的严重性,加紧解决。IBM在全球范围内设立了5个2000年适用产品技术支持 When the problem of the year 2000 is becoming more and more urgent, users will naturally think of those IT companies that have been making brilliant smiles to their customers and what customers are saying. IT manufacturers as the “parents” of computer products, whether because of “heredity” or “acquired” behavior, all have a certain responsibility for the growth of “children”. Here, we have conducted a survey of several “parents” and it can be said that they all worked harder and harder on the Y2K issue. IBM: IBM can be said to be a combination of hardware and software in IT vendors, the size of the kind of eating. For the year 2000 problem, they proposed in 1995 that they prepared a white paper and issued a statement to their customers and partners. “All IBM’s new products will solve the 2000 problem.” IBM has drawn technicians from various departments and set up a team to solve the problems in 2000. The team members investigated IBM’s own products in the year 2000. They also positively and actively communicated the information they received to their users. They hope that users can realize the seriousness of the problem as soon as possible and step up their efforts to solve it. IBM has set up five 2000-year applicable product technical support worldwide
靓 个人电脑制造商经过一年多的低价电脑热潮冲击之后,发觉大家卖的电脑都是一个格式、一种技术,这是非常累的事,因为无法制造市场品级与区隔,大家只能用拼命减价来竞争,结
建设部为了推动各地加强对玻璃幕墙工程的管理工作,发出通知: 一、切实加强对建筑幕墙工程质量工作的领导 建筑幕墙工程是质量的重要组成部分,直接影响到国家财产和人民生命
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质量和服务将成为首要的竞争手段,VCD的市场份额将被重新分割,少数重视品牌,不断采用新技术的厂家会吃掉其它竞争者 Quality and service will become the primary means of
中国建筑装饰协会工程委员会四届一次常务理事会于1998年4月20日至24日在上海召开。 中国建筑装饰协会副会长兼秘书长石连峰参加了会议。会议由工程委员会理事长傅鹏主持,工