
来源 :种子世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeffreykao95
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1 现状 1.1 我国蔬菜种子检验起步虽晚,但发展较快。其现状主要表现为: 1.1.1 检验体系基本建立,可检种子种类增加。目前我国约有2/3以上的县级种子部门有种子检验室,省市级种子部门大多设有专业检验科,蔬菜种子检验业务已全面开展。国家在部级种子质量监测中心的基础上,已计划建区域性的专业检测中心及国家级监测中心。加上各级技术监督部门及科研院所的检验机构,我国基本形成了自上而下的种子检验体系网络。各检验部门已能对大多蔬菜种类进行种子质量检验,检验范围已由过去对主要作物的大宗品种检验发展为对多种类多品种进行检验;检验内容已由简单的物理性能测定发展为对种子发芽能力(生活力、发芽率(势)) 1 Status 1.1 China’s vegetable seed test started late, but the rapid development. The status quo is mainly manifested as follows: 1.1.1 The test system is basically established, and the types of seeds available for inspection are increased. At present, about two-thirds of the county-level seed departments in our country have seed testing laboratories. Most of the provincial and municipal seed departments have specialized testing laboratories. The vegetable seed testing business has been carried out in an all-round way. On the basis of the ministerial seed quality monitoring center, the state has planned to set up a regional specialized testing center and a national monitoring center. Coupled with the inspection agencies at all levels of technical supervision departments and research institutes, our country has basically formed a network of top-down seed inspection systems. The inspection departments have been able to most of the vegetable species quality inspection, testing range from the bulk of the major crops in the past test developed to test a variety of species; test content has been developed by a simple physical properties of the seed germination Ability (viability, germination rate (potential))