
来源 :电子工艺技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilinchang0105
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不锈钢由于机械、化学性质优越,用来制造机械或装置的重要零件。但在机械加工时和这种优越的性质相反,加工困难。对于深孔加工,即使在加工一般钢时也会产生排出切削困难,积蓄切削热等问题。因而用麻花钻钻深孔时必须降低切削速度和进给量,采用断续进给。何况是不锈钢,更包含着因其材料的加工硬化性、熔着性、高的切削阻力、低的热传导率等而使作业性变坏的种种重要因素。由于深孔钻比麻花钻具有如下特点,有利于加工不锈钢等难切削材料,不仅是深孔而且浅孔加工也可以使用。①使用大量冷却液冷却、润滑切削刃,快速排出切屑。因此不必断续进给,一步就 Stainless steel due to mechanical, chemical superiority, used to make machinery or equipment important parts. However, in machining, contrary to this superior property, machining is difficult. For deep-hole machining, even in the processing of general steel will have difficulties in the discharge cutting, savings and other issues cutting heat. Therefore, deep drilling with a twist drill must reduce the cutting speed and feed rate, using intermittent feed. Not to mention the stainless steel, but also because of its material work hardening, melting, high cutting resistance, low thermal conductivity and other workability deterioration of the various important factors. As the deep-hole drill than twist drill has the following characteristics, is conducive to the processing of hard materials such as stainless steel cutting, not only deep-hole and shallow hole processing can also be used. ① Use a large number of coolant cooling, lubricating the cutting edge, the rapid discharge of chips. So do not have to feed intermittently, one step
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