努力推进监狱工作法制化科学化社会化建设 提高监狱工作整体水平

来源 :中国司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch009
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在2002年底召开的全国司法厅(局)长会议上,司法部党组首次系统提出推进监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化(以下简称“三化”)建设的要求,这是提高改造质量、提升监狱工作整体水平的重大举措,标志着监狱工作由封闭转向开放、由神秘转向透明、由狭义改造走向广义改造。2003年11月23、24日,司法部在北京召开全国监狱工作“三化”建设座谈会,科学总结了全国监狱一年多“三化”建设工作的实践经验,认真分析了全国监狱“三化”建设工作存在的问题,全面部署下一阶段“三化”建设工作。会议对进一步统一思想,明确目标,全面推进监狱工作“三化”建设进程,实现监狱工作在新时期的新发展和新突破,具有深远的历史意义和重要的现实意义。 At the meeting of the National Bureau of Justice (bureau) held at the end of 2002, the party group of the Ministry of Justice proposed systematically and for the first time put forward the requirement of promoting the legalization, scientific and socialization of prison work (hereinafter referred to as the “three changes”), which is to improve the quality of reconstruction, The major move to enhance the overall standard of prison work has marked the shift of prison work from closure to opening up, from mystery to transparency and from narrow reform to extensive reform. On November 23 and 24, 2003, the Ministry of Justice held a symposium on the construction of “three chemical” prisons in Beijing, scientifically summing up the practical experiences of “three changes” in prison construction throughout the country for more than a year, and carefully analyzed the “three” Change “the construction work of the existing problems, the full deployment of the next phase of” three “construction. The conference has far-reaching historical significance and important practical significance for further unifying our thinking, clarifying our objectives, comprehensively pushing forward the ”three modernization" of prisons and realizing the new development and new breakthroughs in prisons in the new era.
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