巧设演示实验 提高教学效率

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物理学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,加强实验教学是提高物理教学质量的根本途径。演示实验对学生形成物理概念、建立物理定律、培养学生观察能力、调动学生学习物理的积极性和主动性都起到了重要作用。在物理课堂中巧设演示实验可激活课堂、提高教学效率。1 设计趣味实验,激 Physics is a natural science based on experiments. Strengthening experimental teaching is the fundamental way to improve the quality of physics teaching. Demonstration experiments play an important role in students’ formation of physical concepts, establishment of physical laws, training of students’ observation skills, and mobilization of students’ enthusiasm and initiative in learning physics. Crafting demonstration experiments in physics classrooms can activate classrooms and improve teaching efficiency. 1 Design Fun Experiment, Excited
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对开架流通服务中的管理目标和具体措施,进行理论和实践探讨 Open-circulation services in the management objectives and specific measures to conduct theoretical and
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