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开始备《说谦虚》这一课,我设想,课堂上加强朗读,进行分段,简单地找一找本文的论点、论据、结论,然后由学生讲讲领袖、名人谦虚的故事以及历史上受愚昧的统治者迫害的科学家的事例,求得一个热闹的收场。但这样讲教学重点不突出,难点未接触。后来,我们依据教材和学生实际,确定了本文的教学重点是理清《说谦虚》一文的结构,理清作者思路,理解作者写作意图,从而掌握文章思想内容;难点是课文的第2节对“先知先觉”的理解和第5节为什么说谦虚要联系国家大事,联系社会主义建设事业的实际。确定了教学的重点与难点以后,教者本人又怎样准确而深刻地理解重点与难点呢? I started to prepare for the lesson “Say Humility,” and I envisioned reading in the class and segmenting it, simply looking for the arguments, arguments, and conclusions of this article. Then the story of the leader and the celebrity of the celebrity and the history Examples of scientists persecuted by ignorant rulers seek a lively end. However, the focus of this teaching is not prominent and the difficulties are not touched. Later, based on the teaching materials and the actual situation of the students, we determined that the focus of this article is to clarify the structure of the article “Say Humility”, clarify the author’s thinking, and understand the author’s writing intentions, so as to grasp the content of the article; the difficulty lies in the second section of the text. The understanding of “prophetic vision” and why humility in section 5 are related to the country’s major issues and the reality of socialist construction. Having determined the focus and difficulty of teaching, how can the teacher understand the key points and difficulties accurately and profoundly?
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出差,其实就是到外地去办公。因为有一个“外”字,便平添了几分对“不确定成份”的期待或忐忑。就像等待新的电影上线一样,虽然把标示着“coming soon”的预告片看了一遍又一
露珠郭宝臣露珠怕花儿借助自己的(?), 从花瓣上滚了下来——它和它的美跌的粉碎…… [评]这首小诗要表达的思想是很明白的:露珠之所以美,正因为它在花 Dew Guo Baochen Dew
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