
来源 :人民文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oyfeng168
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十八只金锅露了面, 十八块金砖露了边, 只要能找到一件, 便富了九州十八县。在沙城正北,约二十里,有一座水口山。关于它,流传着这样一首民歌。跟这首用意很深的民歌连在一起的,还有段故事。说是在从前,一进水口山,四十里的深山密林中有一块石碑、碑上就刻着这首民歌,显然,它说的是这座山里有宝藏,有金锅又有金砖、并且已露了头呢。但它们藏在哪里呢?请看,在石碑背面,还有这样八个大字; 碑前碑后碑左碑右这八个字的偈语又是什么意思呢?许多人来 Eighteen gold pot exposed, eighteen gold bricks exposed side, as long as we can find one, it will be rich in Kyushu eighteen counties. In Shacheng north, about twenty miles, there is a Shuikoushan. About it, there is such a folk song. With the first intention of deep folk songs linked together, as well as the story. Said to be in the past, a water inlet mountain, forty miles in the mountains of the jungle there is a stone, inscribed on the monument carved this folk song, apparently, it said there is a treasure in this mountain, there are gold pot and gold brick, And has exposed his head. But where do they hid? Look, on the back of the stone, there are eight other such characters; what is the meaning of the euphemism behind the monument?
一九六二年四月廿一日来此瞻仰毛主席和党中央其他领导人住过的地方,在树下听老乡们讲故事,时正桃林灿锦,梨花溶溶如雪也。 On April 21, 1962, I came here to visit wher
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黑河專員各市縣旗長: 爲了提高運輸效率,防止交通肇事之發生,根據中央交通部汽車管理暫行辦法第四十條之規定,結合我省之具體情况,初步擬定“車輛駕駛人違章肇事處理暫行辦
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