
来源 :辽宁果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigxiong
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(一)在苹果品种经济性状的遗传和亲本选配的研究方面看出:杂种后代达结果期早晚和果实成熟期均受亲本的严格制约,一般介于双亲之间或提前;果实大小呈负优势遗传,有中、小型呈显性的趋势;果面圆或扁的形状比长形的遗传传递力强,但金冠、元帅、印度的果形容易遗传,果面颜色红色对黄绿色为显性;果实酸味的遗传能力虽强,但元帅、印度、白龙、金冠和祝等品种和酸味品种的杂种后代多数偏甜;香味比较容易遗传;印度、金冠的优良果肉结构传递能力较强;果实综合品质的遗传一般低于双亲。 (二)从正交与反交组合中看出:亲本性状的遗传传递力强弱,严格的受品种支配,而不受其父母本位置变换的影响。 (三)在苹果杂种实生苗个体发育的研究中看出:实生苗的栽培性状是逐渐发展的,同一杂交组合一、二年生的幼龄杂种实生苗,其形态上的一致性很强,随实生苗年龄的增长,形态特征亦逐渐分歧。 (四) 苹果同名杂交组合实生苗的性状发育,经历着下述五个时期:营养性状相对一致期;营养性状分化期;营养性状稳定期;结实性状发育期和结实期。 (五) 苹果杂种实生苗的选择,要以实生苗的性状发育为基础。在营养生长第一年不进行严格选择,只淘汰生长势极弱的和个别呈野生性状及不抗病的单株。在营养生长的第三年,按杂交组合进行严格的性状选择后,再进入育种圃进行结实性状的选择。 (六) 苹果杂种实生苗生殖器官的发育,不仅要有适当的营养物质和积累,更重要的是实生苗必须通过“童期”这个发育阶段。苹果品种间杂交的实生苗,在熊岳一般需6~8年以上,有的品系迟至十年或更长一些时问才能开始结果。 (七) 实生苗提早结果的措施为定向选配早期结实的杂交亲本;加强肥培等综合管理减少移植次数;嫁接;环状剥皮和不短截修剪。 (八) 经过多年的培宵和选择已选育出了七个具有不同特点的各时期成熟的苹果新品种,它们是甜黄魁、辽伏、伏锦、翠秋、迎秋、锦红和长红。 (1) It can be seen from the research on inheritance and parental selection of economic traits of apple cultivars that the hybrid offspring has both the early and late fruiting stages and the ripening stages of the parents, which are generally restricted by the parents or between the parents; the fruit size has negative advantages Genetic, medium and small was dominant trend; fruit round or flat shape than the long shape of the genetic transmission, but Golden Delicious, Marshal, Indian fruit shape easily inherited, fruit color red to yellow-green dominant Although the genetic ability of fruit sour is strong, the hybrid offspring of mandarin, India, Bailong, Golden Delicious, and other varieties and sour varieties are mostly sweet; the scent is relatively easy to inherit; the fleshy The overall quality of the genetic generally lower than the parents. (B) From the orthogonal and anti-cross combination, it can be seen that the genetic transmission of parental traits is strong and strong, and is strictly controlled by the varieties without being affected by the change of their parents’ position. (C) in apple hybrid seedlings of individual development studies found that: seedling cultivation characters are gradually developed, the same hybrid combination of one or two years of young hybrid seedlings, the morphological consistency is strong, with the real Miao age growth, morphological characteristics also gradually divergent. (D) apple hybrids with the same name traits of seedling development, experienced the following five periods: a relatively consistent nutritional status; nutritional traits differentiation; nutritional status of the stable period; (E) apple hybrid seedling selection, to seedling traits based on the development. In the first year of vegetative growth, no strict selection will be made, and only single plants with extremely weak growth potential and individual wild characters and no disease resistance will be eliminated. In the third year of vegetative growth, according to the strict selection of traits by cross combination, then enter the breeding nursery for the selection of the strong traits. (Vi) apple hybrid seedling reproductive organs development, not only have the proper nutrients and accumulation, more importantly, the seedlings must pass the “childhood” of this developmental stage. Seedlings of hybrids between apple varieties in Xiong Yue generally take 6 to 8 years or more, and some strains as late as ten years or longer when asked to start the results. (G) measures of early results of seedlings for the directional matching of early strong hybrid parents; strengthen the comprehensive management of fertilizer training to reduce the number of transplants; grafting; (8) After years of training and selection, seven new varieties of apple with different characteristics have been bred. They are sweet Huangkui, Liaowu, Fujin, Cuiqiu, Yingqiu, Jinhong and Long red.