
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjf2008
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下節:論教育爲生産建設服務的方針四新中國的人民教育的另一主要方針和主要目標,就是爲恢復和發展人民經濟而服務,亦即是爲生產建設服務。很明白,這一方針和教育爲工農服務的方針是分不開的。懂得社會發展規律的人都知道,經濟結構是一定社會的基礎,『物質生活的生產方式决定着社會生活、政治生活和一般精神生活的過程。』(馬克思,『政治經濟學批判』)已經取得了基本勝利的中國人民大革命,其根本的目的就在於使中國社會的物質生產力從半殖民地半封建的桎梏中解放出來,能在新的生產關係中求得順暢的發展。新中國的政治與文化,新中國的一切建設,只有在這樣的物質生產力的發展的基礎上,才能得到發展與鞏固。在新中國,如果首先没有這種物質生產力的發展,就是說,如果首先没有人民經濟的恢復 In the next section: On the Policy of Education for Production and Construction IV. Another major principle and main goal of education for the people in new China is to serve the restoration and development of the people’s economy, that is, to serve the production and construction. I understand very clearly that this guideline is inseparable from the policy of education for workers and peasants. Everyone who knows the law of social development knows that economic structure is the foundation of a certain society. “The mode of production of material life determines the process of social life, political life and general spiritual life. (Marx, ”Criticism of Political Economy") The Chinese People’s Revolution, which has achieved its basic victory, is basically aimed at liberating the material productive forces of Chinese society from the semi-colonial and semi-feudal shackles and in the new relations of production Get smooth development. The new China’s politics and culture and all the new China’s construction can only be developed and consolidated on the basis of the development of such material productive forces. In New China, if there is no such development of material productivity in the first place, that is to say, if there is no economic recovery of the people first
目的 探讨以指背动脉筋膜瓣结合皮肤原位回植治疗拇指末节指腹撕脱伤的疗效.方法 2014年3月-2015年1月,收治9例(9指)因机器挤压导致的拇指末节指腹撕脱伤患者.男6例,女3例;年
Based on the research on time domain and frequency domain transmitted reference Impulse Radio Ultra-WideBand (IR-UWB) system, this paper studies the optimizatio
对于一些生长势较好但却花少、果少或只开花不坐果的“空怀”树,可采取嫁接花枝、花芽、幼果等补救措施。嫁接授粉枝有些果树,如梨、李、柿、栗、枣、桃 For some “empty p
目的 总结股前外侧穿支皮瓣修复(足母)甲瓣再造拇指足供区皮肤缺损的临床疗效. 方法 2010年10月-2012年12月,应用游离(足母)甲瓣移植再造拇指缺损10例.其中男7例,女3例;年龄1
让鞋具有情感都知此物不可少, 谁闻鞋也有情操。世事苍桑年年变, 生意也应步步高。芸芸众生,谁都离不开鞋。这次就讲一则在鞋上做文章的生意经。麦尔·休·高浦勒斯的公司是