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一、创设愉快和谐的课堂心理氛围积极、良好、和谐、愉快的课堂心理气氛能使学生大脑皮层处于兴奋状态,有利于学生的智力活动。在这种心理气氛下,学生思路开阔,思维敏捷深刻,想象力丰富活跃,记忆力增强,精力旺盛,积极主动,从而更好地接受新知识,并在新知识的基础上分析、综合、联想、推理,进行创造性学习。而消极压抑的课堂心理气氛易使学生的智力活动受到抑制,思路狭窄,思维变得呆板拘谨。良好课堂心理气氛的营造,需要教师的精心组织、小心维护和主动创设。营造良好的课堂心理气氛教师要做到:1.实施情感教学。师生的情感共鸣是课堂心理气氛的重要变量。课堂教学中要使师生双方的意图、观点和情感连结起来,使教师传授的知识、提供的信息能引起学生强烈的求知欲望、积极的思维活动和强烈的内心体验,教师就必须增加情感投入,给知识、信息附加情感色彩,实施情感性教学,以教师自身的情感体验营造良好和谐的课堂心理气氛。这就要求教师在教学过程中倾注积极的情感和真诚的爱心,用情感和爱心去感染和打动学生,让他们伴随着丰富而快 First, the creation of a pleasant and harmonious classroom psychological atmosphere Positive, good, harmonious and happy classroom psychology can make students in the cerebral cortex in an excited state, is conducive to students’ intellectual activities. In this kind of psychological atmosphere, the students have an open mind, a quick thinking, a vivid imagination, an enhanced memory, energetic and proactive attitude to better accept new knowledge and to analyze, synthesize, associate, Reasoning, creative learning. Negatively suppressed classroom psychological atmosphere tends to inhibit students’ intellectual activities, narrow thinking and rigid and cautious thinking. A good classroom psychological atmosphere to create, require the careful organization of teachers, careful maintenance and initiative to create. Create a good classroom psychological atmosphere Teachers should do: 1. Implementation of emotional teaching. The emotional resonance between teachers and students is an important variable in the classroom psychological atmosphere. In classroom teaching, teachers and students should make their intention, viewpoint and emotion link together so that the knowledge and information provided by teachers can arouse students’ strong desire for knowledge, active thinking and strong inner experience. Therefore, teachers must increase the emotional input , Attach emotion to knowledge and information, carry out emotional teaching and create a good and harmonious classroom psychological atmosphere with the teacher’s own emotional experience. This requires teachers in the teaching process pour a positive emotion and sincere love, with emotion and love to infect and impress students, so that they are accompanied by rich and fast
2016年4月23日,山东省济南南郊宾馆,马云参加某活动,他在台上介绍了阿里近十年的发展。图为马云、郭广昌等众多企业家在一桌用餐。 April 23, 2016, Jinan, Shandong Provin