
来源 :华西口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fghngfhfg
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目的 :研究肌位板对下颌位置的调整作用。方法 :对 10 2例颅颌功能紊乱 (CMD)患者均戴用肌位板 ,戴板后 1周、2周、1月各复查 1次 ,以后每月复查 1次 ,共戴板 3~ 6月。记录戴板后是否出现咬合不稳 ,若有咬合印迹变化者则磨去原有咬合印迹重垫 ,直至不再变化 ,待症状消失后去除板 ,轻咬至肌接触位 ,记录与颌位是否协调。结果 :戴板期间 66例患者的咬合印迹始终不变 ,3 6例患者出现咬合不稳 ,经重垫后 ,咬合板的关系稳定不变。待症状消失后去板。 10 2例患者中 ,12例表现为肌牙位不一致 ,其中前牙早接触 2例 ,先天性垂直距离不足 1例 ,牙尖交错位 (ICP)偏位 9例。结论 :肌位板对下颌位置的调整作用是调正肌位 ,在肌位正常情况下 ,判断肌牙位是否一致 ,从而检出 ICP异常。 Objective: To study the regulation of muscle position on the jaw position. Methods: A total of 102 patients with craniofacial dysfunction (CMD) were weighed and placed in the muscle for 1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month. The patients were reviewed once a month for a total of 3 ~ June. If there is a change of occlusal imprinting, it will grind off the original occlusal imprinting pad until it no longer changes. After the symptoms disappear, remove the spatula and nibble to the muscle contact position to record the jaws and jaw Bit is coordinated. Results: The occlusal imprints of 66 patients during wearing were unchanged. The malalignment instability occurred in 36 patients. After the symptoms disappear to the board. Among 10 2 patients, 12 cases showed inconsistent muscle and tooth position. Among them, 2 cases had anterior contact with anterior teeth in the early stage, with less than 1 cases of congenital vertical distance and 9 cases of deviation of the cusp position (ICP). CONCLUSION: The adjustment of muscle position on the jaw position is to adjust the muscle position. In normal muscle position, the muscle position is determined to be consistent, so ICP abnormalities can be detected.
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病例1 求不等式3x-5≤0的非负整数解.解:原不等式3x-5≤0的解为x≤5/3,则得非负整数解为1.病因:概念不清.病理:非负整数包括正整数和0.产生上述错误的原因是没有掌握非负整数和正