
来源 :矿山机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Spring_Song
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介绍了新型CGM60-B锥摆式搅拌磨的工作原理和主要结构。与普通搅拌磨相比,该机由于搅拌锥周期性的偏摆,增加了对物料挤压、剪切和磨损使其磨粉效率大为提高;同时,与同等容积的搅拌磨相比,具有较大的输出功率。 The working principle and main structure of the new CGM60-B cone pendulum stirring mill are introduced. Compared with the ordinary mixing mill, the mixer increases the milling efficiency due to the periodic deflection of the mixing cone, thereby increasing the milling efficiency of the material. Meanwhile, compared with the same volume of the mixing mill, Larger output power.
欲得天下之人,必得天下之心。19岁时,毛泽东即悟到了这一道理,并由此认为,除了如何赢得“天下之心”外,其他一切都是细枝末节。  什么是天下之心?  英国心理学家莱因创造了社会想象系统一词,可以对应天下之心这个中国式词汇。莱因认为,所谓社会想象系统,即一个社会中的多数人共同想象出来的心理系统。  依此概念,符合社会想象系统的人,就是一个社会系统内所谓的正常人,背离这个系统的人,就会被该社会系统视为疯
车过阳方口,风速骤然增大。 初识三关,在一张旧县志的插图上,山川州县绘作立体图形,一如中国的山水画幅。长城作带状,女墙牙列,半圆形的关隘夹在两山之间,标着“羊方口”字
There have been several developments in determining the spontaneous combustion liability of coal. Most of the methods of concern have purely been based on the i
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“Singing and Dancing Girls in a Bronze Chamber” was among 17 pieces of bronze ware unearthed froma late Spring and Autumn Period tomb at the foot of Shizi Mo
[Objective] The research aimed at determining the contents of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in different species and different origins of Kuding tea and provi