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纺织品产业是工业革命以来最早发展的产业,受到各国的重视和保护。台湾地区纺织品贸易的主要对象之一就是美国。在20世纪70年代前后,美国约占台湾纺织品出口值的三分之一。美台围绕纺织品贸易谈判的过程漫长而琐细。台湾当局在两岸分离、依附于美的历史条件下,就纺织品贸易与美国进行的谈判历程充满艰辛。1971年,美国得以在东亚地区与台湾首先达成协定的原因就在于美台纺织品贸易谈判不是单纯的经济问题,而是和政治紧密联系在一起。国际局势的演变对于美台双边关系的发展产生了影响,美台纺织品贸易谈判受“联合国席位”、“冲绳归还”等多重因素的掣肘。日本在与美国纺织品贸易谈判过程中止步观望,客观地将台湾推到台前。台湾对美国的依赖降低了其纺织品贸易谈判的筹码。美国政府以台湾为切入点,将和东亚其他国家和地区的纺织品贸易谈判逐一解决。当美台在经济领域发生利益冲突的时候,在政治上处于劣势的台湾当局,虽做出诸多努力,也只能别无选择地作出让步。 Textile industry is the first industrial development since the industrial revolution, by all countries attention and protection. One of the main targets of the textile trade in Taiwan is the United States. Around the 1970s, the United States accounted for about one-third of Taiwan’s textile exports. The process of U.S.-Taiwan trade negotiations around the textile industry is long and complicated. Under the historical conditions of separation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and its dependence on the United States, the Taiwan authorities are having difficulties in negotiating the textile trade with the United States. The reason why the United States first reached an agreement with Taiwan in 1971 in East Asia was that the U.S.-Taiwan textile trade negotiations are not purely economic issues, but are closely linked to politics. The evolution of the international situation has exerted an influence on the development of the bilateral relations between the United States and Taiwan. The U.S.-Taiwan textile trade negotiations are constrained by multiple factors such as “United Nations seat ” and “Okinawa return ”. Japan halted the process of trade negotiations with the United States and objectively pushed Taiwan to the stage. Taiwan’s dependence on the United States has reduced the bargaining power of its textile trade negotiations. The U.S. government takes Taiwan as an entry point and will resolve the textile trade negotiations with other countries and regions in East Asia one by one. When the United States and Taiwan have conflicts of interest in the economic field, the Taiwan authorities politically disadvantaged, despite all their efforts, can only make concessions without any choice.
本报永康讯(通讯员 楼天丰)党的十八届四中全会后,浙江永康市认真学习贯彻全会精神,按照从严治党与依法治国要求,进一步创新思维方式,不断提高组织工作制度化、规范化、科学化水平,